Hey guys


Jan 14, 2003
Visit site
Hey guys, thought it was about time i actually registered and offered the odd meaningless ramble to the activities rather than just reading!! Can't seem to find an old old thread from the original Bloodstock board about who was who so just a reminder if anyone is still posting (or even cares!) on the old board i was Mordred and i was the signing room guy at B02. So yeah err anyway......

Great to see people posting here and hopefully more will come as the bill is finalised.

Right then,i'm off to explore the older posts. See you all in August if not before

Hello, I am Jared, I will be attending Bloodstock, And I will also be speaking like I normally do and not pronounce all my grammar correctly as I am doing here.......

English essay....its effecting my mind....gggugughuughhhh

Uh anyway, Hey all, first Bloodtstock for me... are they good?

oh.. and Im a BIG Nightwish fan..... they are great
I want to attend bloodstock this year also..i missed it last year due to the wacken open sir festival stripping me of dosh. This year also i will go back to wacken and the headbangers open aire fest aslo. there are some class bands playing

And bloodstock as well so it should a very metal year!
