Hey, Haupy!

Doom makes me sad

You're slashing yourself completely the wrong way, Koichi. You're supposed to cut across the veins on the inside of your wrists, then right along the fleshy part of your forearm to the elbows, and then across the pit of your elbow. You'll never do it cutting like that.
first off. fuck you koichi..

Cathedral are definitly doom, one of the pioneers in the 80's

Sentenced are not doom more gothic metal these days, there earlier albums were just death metal.

My Dying Bride - One of the pioneers in the doom/death metal field. Everything that ive heard apart from '34%...complete' is really good. Highly recommended!

apart from what everyone here seems to think Katatonia are NOT doom! they are definitly anemotional, depressing and dark metal band but this does not make them doom! these days they are more gothic rock.

I highly recommend Virgin Black. excellent gothic arty doom. Brilliant band from Adelaide.

Mourning Beloveth is extremely slow death/doom. One of the best bands in the genre. 'Dust' and 'The Sullen Sulcus' are brilliant.

Melbourne's The Eternal are awesome! made from the ashes of Cryptal Darkness. Excellent melodic doom metal. Debut out in March/April

Swallow The Sun's debut 'The Morning Never Came' was my favourite album of 2003. Brilliant and well produced death/doom and lots of melody. www.swallowthesun.net - CHECK THEM OUT!

While Heaven Wept - EPIC doom metal. The riffs are MASSIVE! excellent clean vocals too! I recommend 'Of Empires Forlorn'

Mirror Of Deception are an excellent traditional doom band. Clean vocals with a bit of Black Sabbath influence but with a darker feel.

Koichi, Tiamat aren't doom so they are not worthy of a mention in this thread. but they kick ass.

Anathema haven't played doom in years. Not since 'The SIlent Enigma'. 'Eternity' isn't really doom.

Paradise Lost haven't played doom in years either.

Serpent - excellent trad doom like St Vitus. its a side project of Therion members.

Stone Wings (formely Elysium) - great doom/death band from Sydney. their first album 'Dreamscapes' - released under the name 'Elysium' is brilliant. They should have a new album out soon.
some people see it as doom some people don't. to me, musically, it doesnt have a doomy feel. but they are still very dark and depressing none the less.