Hey hey

Well if you're not comfortable with the songs after that then it's not enough :p just a matter of how well you know them after you practice, not the number of practices

quality not quantity :D
Actually the first rehearsal went great :). We rehearsed for 4 days during Easter but unfortunately Martin couldn't join us so we had to go with one guitar only. But we have 4 days of nothing but rehearsal before we go to Brussels on tuesday next week, that should probably be enough. My only concern is that some equipment may break down or some other technical shit may happen, but I guess that could happen to anyone

I heard that the guys in Thyrfing caught some illness... all of them :ill:... I hope they will get well soon. I was looking forward to meeting them.
Well..there you go! Backup plan for you...since Thyfing is sick(maybe not able to play) you A- get more time to play your stuff and B- get to steal their equipment if yours malfunctions

Seriously, though, hope they all get better. :)
That sucks, I hope Thyrfing gets better. You'll have to play that much better to make up for them if it comes to that. Anyway, don't be nervous, don't think of it as your first gig so you have to make sure you do good, think of it as it's your first gig and nobody expects much and you have years and years to do even better than you do this time, even when you don't mess up.

How much do you think plane tickets to London would be on Priceline.com?
If you want to try and go to Europe...here's what my friend said.

a) don't go to major cities via airplane, it costs more
b) you don't have to be too near wherever it is that you're headed, you can just take the train the rest of the distance there

not sure if that applies to london...:p

but i've found tickets for about $450 to germany before.
I can tell you that "Mind Revolution" was'nt very praised in swedens biggest metal mag... the opposite really... but that mag is not really famous for theit love of melodic deathmetal...
idiots... :)
Final_Vision said:
Damnit, hasn't Shmeir gone to the first gig yet?! Wheres our god damned report!
ok here goes guys!!!! i dont know the best way to say this so im just gonna say it. i never got down to see the gig :mad: i was SO angry cause the guy who promise me a lift to london turned round and said he couldnt be arsed anymore, so i tried to get a train ticket but they were way too expensive (turns out londons a little further away than i thought when u have no way of getting there)

i feel so anoyed because after all i had already bought my ticket and now its like im not a true fan cause i didnt see them and im so ashamed to have to post this up instead of a kick ass report u might have been expecting.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: sorry every1
Ah fuck man I'm sorry to hear that, I'd be fucking pissed. Especially after buying my ticket. But now at least your as loser'ish as the rest of us and the whole forum STILL hasn't gotten to see Skyfire :D

P.S: You shoula walked :p :loco:
Grevén said:
Dragonlady1... what happened with your review of "Mind Revolution"?

well, since hammerheart stopped to send us promo material for some mysterious reasons I will never know ;), I have to wait for the release date to get the cd and write a review, it will be done next week so :)
Dude, that seriously sucks. At least now we can all stop hating you, I guess, that's probably something positive. :p Chances are they'll tour Europe again before the thought of touring America isn't just rejected from the brains of whoever runs Hammerheart.

That's pretty cool about Bodom, but I guess still not really compensation.

If it makes you feel any better, tonight and last night I'm missing the Metal Gods in New York because it would take $80 for me to get there.
Final_Vision said:
Ah fuck man I'm sorry to hear that, I'd be fucking pissed. Especially after buying my ticket. But now at least your as loser'ish as the rest of us and the whole forum STILL hasn't gotten to see Skyfire :D

P.S: You shoula walked :p :loco:

yeah it sucks, but as Froosch says they will no doubt tour again soon enough. im glad no1 laughed at my misfortune, but i guess neal hasnt posted yet :lol: its gr8 to be free of hatred now, and my network is up to speed again, and with the Bodom gig being so amazing im generally chilled out now.

as for walking, u can fuck that idea m8!!! it takes like 5 hours in the car on the motorway :lol: