hey i play the keys what the easiest way to learn


i dont have a midi system
May 6, 2006
i need to get better then i am and i can pick it up by ear but how can i learn faster without lessons
Well you came to the right place. Ive been playing Keyboards for alil over a year and i have no lessons and im already farely fast. Well what i did was you in stead of going all out and soloing fast make a simple solo and then practice it untill you get fast at it then you just keep doing that and then try making harder solos then eventually you will beable to build up speed very quickly
I'm not much inta keyboarding, I have one, but I just use it for writing simple melodies; i extend them afterwards and use them in my songs.

but if you are already quite good you shold practice some classical stuff like Bach. He wrote more or less simple stuff and incredibly awesome and mainly fast "songs".
get a beginners piano book and learn notes, scales, and chords. all metal keyboardists should be able to at least play ANY type of triad chord and make progressions off that as well as learn major, natural minor, harmonic minor, pentatonic, and blues scales in all or most keys.

anyways trying to play fast if you are a beginner will just make you suck. you should know what you are playing first. The best way to increase speed is practicing scales, THATS IT. scales are the rudiment of soloing and coming up with melodies over chord progressions. practice and learn them.
so you know every type of scale in every key? and you can play each of them in both hands in four octaves at around 140 bps in 16th notes? you know how to construct every type of triad chords, as well as 7ths, and their inversions?

you learned all of that in 6th grade piano class!? WOWW!

And It would also be nice if you could improvise a free melody in every scale. You know a scale if b and # does not bother you. Ok not every scale is required, but many. And not bad if you know some special like arabic, gipsy, blues.
If get triads, try to play them in every possible way! If you get it, try to play a melody on top of it.
I've been playing piano for 10 years. I've been having lessons for that whole time, once a week every week for an hour (half an hour for the first couple of years). It's helped a lot. One thing that helps my playing along is the knowledge of Theory I have. If you can analyse a piece of music in relation to chords, it helps you understand the piece more and therefore play it better. It can also influence your compositions in a good way, since you understand how music works and how you can constructively break the rules to fit your purpose. It can also help reveal sounds and patterns you've never heard before.
I play no instruments, but I'd certainly like to pick up a little guitar and/or keyboard. I'll do what you guys have suggested, but I was wondering if anyone knows where to find tabs or sheet music or whatever it's called for keyboard, because I haven't been able to find any. I would especially like to be able to find it for "Bodom After Midnight."
I've been playing piano for 7 years, and taking lessons. Piano lessons really help with the theory, but once you have that decent knoweledge, just listen to some songs with keyboard riffs and try to play them. Do them in sets of 5, each set going a little bit faster than the last, until you can play REALLY fast. Also some pop-punk songs can just be played on the keyboard, practicing that can help your play-by-ear skill. Like most green day, blink-182, fallout boy, etc.

A lot of people don't like pop-punk, but really it's just pop-punk songs that can help you in that area.

Also playing jazz piano can help with the riffs a lot, try and make up your own fast jazzy riffs on the blues scale, if you practice that alot than you'll be able to do good riffs.

Other than that, just keep taking lessons and practicing to get better and better. Good luck! :)
.EndotroniX said:
I've been playing piano for 7 years, and taking lessons. Piano lessons really help with the theory, but once you have that decent knoweledge, just listen to some songs with keyboard riffs and try to play them. Do them in sets of 5, each set going a little bit faster than the last, until you can play REALLY fast. Also some pop-punk songs can just be played on the keyboard, practicing that can help your play-by-ear skill. Like most green day, blink-182, fallout boy, etc.

A lot of people don't like pop-punk, but really it's just pop-punk songs that can help you in that area.

Also playing jazz piano can help with the riffs a lot, try and make up your own fast jazzy riffs on the blues scale, if you practice that alot than you'll be able to do good riffs.

Other than that, just keep taking lessons and practicing to get better and better. Good luck! :)

wtf, pop punk? that doesn't help keyboardists one bit, or any musicians, its just horrible music. there are easy classical piece of melodies from actually good music to practice that. pop punk destroys musicianship, not promote