Easiest song to learn


New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2011
What is the easiest COB song to learn on guitar with a somewhat easy solo? Bed of Razors is somewhat easy but once it gets to the sweep part I cant keep up with the solo:( Are there any other songs that are fun and easy to play?
Sorry for the dumb thread:o
For rythm guitars it's probably Everytime I die... For solos...none for beginners.

Or wait... this is what I think is the easiest song from each album which are also playable for beginners(only rythm)

Something Wild:

- Red Light In My Eyes both parts


- Downfall

Follow The Reaper:

- Everytime I die

Hate Crew Deathroll:

- Sixpounder

Are You Dead Yet:

- none


- Banned From Heaven

Relentless, Reckless, Forever:

- none
Blooddrunk is the easiest solo to play, it has no sweep picking, but the melody in the song is much much harder to play full speed than the solo itself. If you can play any of their solos you'll be able to play a majority of Alexander's guitars on FTR / HB at least... then try lead stuff for more challenge... That's what I do.
Yea, Blooddrunk does have a pretty easy solo. The whammy parts can be tricky for some, and there is the one sorta fast part near the end, but besides that it's not too hard. WIWI has a pretty easy solo as well, some say the whammy part is hard but I found it rather simple to pull off. Hellhounds solo really isn't that hard either if you can tap. Just a chromatic tapping run for the solo. I found the song itself harder than the actual solo.
Yea, what Arcane said. If you are a beginner, you are better off learning some Metallica or something a little easier than Bodom until you get more comfortable with playing without thinking too much about it. Hard to explain what I mean, but anyone who has been playing for some time knows what I am talking about. It just kind of come second nature.
Absolutely. Bodom shouldn't be something you learn first. It might throw you off from playing guitar completely in the worst case scenario. Play something easier in the beginning definitely - Metallica is a good start for anyone.
The thing is that I have often seen people talking shit about which song or solo is the easiest to play but I have barely seen anyone playing even the "easiest" things clean and without any mistakes. Telling that something is easy to play is easy said but I can only name a few people here where I know that they can REALLY play this stuff and NO ONE of them plays guitar under minimum of 7 or 8 years.
Yea, I hate even giving advise as I have no videos or anything to even back up what I say. So take what I say at your own risk. HAHA. I have been playing guitar for about 14-15 years now. I feel so old. I'll be 30 this year....oh man. At least I'm not going bald....yet.
It's understandable some good players who've come all the way starting from basics and getting to the point where they can quickly tab and play any Bodom song feel angered by those who only pick up a guitar to use the tabs to play some Bodom and pretend they're that good.
I self taught myself guitar and started off trying to play COB. I played trumpet and keyboard before that so it wasn't terrible, but it took a while to actually get from beginning to end of a song. COB can be fine to learn from, as long as you do it right. Play slow and try to play things right, and if you do that playing COB stuff you'll become quite good actually. Practice some melodies you look like slowly with a metronome.

That said, I think rhythm for Sixpounder is easy for a beginner, as is bed of razors. As long as you can do some fast picking Northpole is easy, too. The rest of the songs have easy and hard parts mixed, like hate me, everytime I die, etc...
I'd say probably bed of razors. The solo ain't that fast. You just have to get used to sweep picking which is not that hard in that song, since it's not some crazyass fast inisane sweep picking :lol: