Easiest Bodom song?

Bed of razors. For guitar it has absolutely nothing even remotely complex, at all.

The intro riff in downfall is a bit tricky to learn, but it's really really fun to play (: (: especially along with the album, preferably tokyo warhearts because they play it faster.
delt said:
Bed of razors. For guitar it has absolutely nothing even remotely complex, at all.

The intro riff in downfall is a bit tricky to learn, but it's really really fun to play (: (: especially along with the album, preferably tokyo warhearts because they play it faster.
That's right buddy
this guy is after seriously easy shit.. i know the standard is pretty high around here so snbn is not the best suggestion.. could you play it after a year? thought not..
start with the intro of Lake Bodom, i could play that when I was playin 10 months the guitar (serious, no joke, but I'm a god y'know?)
bornin1803 said:
start with the intro of Lake Bodom, i could play that when I was playin 10 months the guitar (serious, no joke, but I'm a god y'know?)

I can't even air guitar that. But I'm mainly a drummer, so maybe that's why.