Easiest Bodom song?

Definitely Bed of Razors! I can't believe noone said this. Even the solo is good for beginners to learn. Everytime I Die is easy except for the solos. Wrath Within was mentioned, this is also a good one.

Personally, the first CoB songs I tried were Touch Like Angel of Death and Bed of Razors, and I learned them on an acoustic guitar older than I was. So you should be able to with an electric. :)
I dunno.. try to learn something really hard, and everything else will seem easier. But don't play it sloppy fast, do it right slow and build speed with a metronome. It really helps with super-challenging shit like Jason Becker's Serrana arpeggios, or something tough by Bodom like the Warheart solo.
everytime i die can be played by anyone who have two arm and a brain to remember the tab, except some solo parts... bed of razors seem ok too