Hey, Jerry and Mike, faggots, in here etc.


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I have no idea what my status for Wolves is now. I got layed off today, so I'm currently in the searching for a job, and have no idea what my plans are for the next few weeks.

I shall keep you updated.
I'm very sorry to hear that Eric. I know what that's like and it can be very scary. I hope you were able to get some type of severance package as well as unemployment compensation to allow you to get by between jobs.

Hang in there.

No severance package, sadly. I did steal a few staplers and tools though. :lol:

As for unemployment, its not much per week, but enough to cover the rent I have to pay for this basement.

I've already gotten one interview arranged for later this week, see if I can hook up a few more from some of the contacts I got from this job.
No severance package, sadly. I did steal a few staplers and tools though. :lol:

LOL - if you've never seen it, go rent Office Space and watch it tonight - the timing is perfect for it and it will help cheer you up a bit.

EricT said:
As for unemployment, its not much per week, but enough to cover the rent I have to pay for this basement.

I hope you can at least get by with all necessities.

EricT said:
I've already gotten one interview arranged for later this week, see if I can hook up a few more from some of the contacts I got from this job.

Awesome! Best of luck to you. :kickass:
How'd you managed to get sacked?

Well, I worked for the city, and in a private meeting sometime in the last few weeks they decided they were going to close the division I head due to budget cuts. So this morning when I came in the head bitch handed us papers saying as of today we're laid off. Then I said something like "Well, you could of at least given us a bit of advance notice, ya cunt".

She was very displeased with my use of the word cunt, so I don't think I'll use her as a job referral, haha.

I'm actually in a surprisingly better mood then I thought I'd be in today. Though, I'm sure it just hasn't settled in yet.

As Office Space, seen it, but putting it in my queue for today. Taking the day easy and just watching movies. :)
Ohhh... the funniest part is, this is the maintenance division. We did all the maintenance around the city. When I asked about what their plans for fixing the endless list of shit that needs fixing are, they said they were outsourcing to various specialists.

I honestly want to know whats going through their minds that makes them think they're saving money by outsourcing the work... Unless the real plan is to just ignore everything till its a major hazard.

Oh city governments, how fucked up they are.
Ohhh... the funniest part is, this is the maintenance division. We did all the maintenance around the city. When I asked about what their plans for fixing the endless list of shit that needs fixing are, they said they were outsourcing to various specialists.

I honestly want to know whats going through their minds that makes them think they're saving money by outsourcing the work... Unless the real plan is to just ignore everything till its a major hazard.

Oh city governments, how fucked up they are.


contractors, yup.

The best way to make a $200 job turn into a $2000 dollar job.
I have no idea what my status for Wolves is now. I got layed off today, so I'm currently in the searching for a job, and have no idea what my plans are for the next few weeks.

I shall keep you updated.

Sucks dude, hope ye find something soon.

Here's hoping you can make it though!

I might actually not be able to make it either, I may end up with a new job by that time.
My employment condolences.

Frankly, I'm so damn beat from the past couple days in Calgary, that I'm completely indifferent to the Bay Area voyage. If the Hills are game, of course I'll be, but I'd just the same turn the allotted funds for the trip in to a haul. I've already seen Wolves three times, and the only thing peaking my interest for the two-day event is the mysterious forest venue and Asunder in Fagtown.
Yeah, the main reason at this point that I want to go is Ludicra and Asunder. Wolves are playing here, and I've been told I have access to the venue for the show, so thats no worry.

But damn have I been dying to see Ludicra and Asunder.

It may become one of those last minute "Fuck it, I'm going down to the airport and buying a plane ticket and going" decisions. Haha.
So, I've decided I'm just gonna loiter around on savings for a bit before I start hopping in the job search market. Possibly work winter seasonal shit (labor of course, not much of a retail kinda guy), if I must.

But yeah, gonna catch up on a fuckload of TV shows/Movies/Games that I have missed out on, and generally, just play it easy for a bit. It shall be a nice vacation.
I beat one of my students with a dictionary today.

This requires a full story. I like dictionaries, and I also like the idea of someone getting beaten with one, so I see no way the story can fail.