hey jews

Often thought of changing to Jimbo for that very reason *or James, to be fully technical*

Eh, life's been brutal, but I persevere. Music and things eighty-proof take the edge off, as do various philosphical readings.
Necromunchkin said:
Often thought of changing to Jimbo for that very reason *or James, to be fully technical*

Eh, life's been brutal, but I persevere. Music and things eighty-proof take the edge off, as do various philosphical readings.

Glad to hear you're soldiering along. Whats on the reading list then?
Nice. I find it difficult to engage with Kierkegaard, but Pratchett, I adore. Have you read The world as will and idea by Schopenhauer? I'd recommend that as a great philosophical text, he has some wonderful thoughts on music and it's philosophical nature :)
No I don't, but i'm now interested. I have to say, I used to not be to happy with Kiergegaard, but lately, I love his work. Not sure why, exploring that in truth. Pratchett, however, is a bloody genius.
Yeah, he is! I met him at a book signing last yr, and he's just as interesting in person. I must admit though, I don't find alot of time to read his work anymore :(
That's a shame. I know the feeling, though. I'm a reading machine and it's taken me three months to ge through four books (aside from the reading i have to do for Grad school and work). I just got the final thumbs up on my thesis, just have to do a bit of last-minute editing, and I'm effectively cleared for graduation. That is, perhaps, the only good news of the last three months.
Necromunchkin said:
That's a shame. I know the feeling, though. I'm a reading machine and it's taken me three months to ge through four books (aside from the reading i have to do for Grad school and work). I just got the final thumbs up on my thesis, just have to do a bit of last-minute editing, and I'm effectively cleared for graduation. That is, perhaps, the only good news of the last three months.

Whats all the bad news then?
Well... my mother has been diagnosed with cancer, a supposed friend decided to try and blackball me to the university english department, and I didn't get a job I was hoping for (likely due to the blackballilng).
Necromunchkin said:
Well... my mother has been diagnosed with cancer, a supposed friend decided to try and blackball me to the university english department, and I didn't get a job I was hoping for (likely due to the blackballilng).

Ah fuck. People like to shit on other people, sadly thats the way of things. Fuck the former friend though, their shallowness of character is now on display.

Sorry to hear about your mother, mine was also diagnosed in the past - and the treatment available is excellent, so I'm sure she will be A-ok.

I can understand why you are enjoying a fine whisky at this time, but I do hope things get back on track for you.
Actually, it's tequila tonight. But yeah, indulging a bit. The kicker is that my mom is basically beyond treatment. Seems she's been living with malignant cancer for years longer than most would have thought possible. Doctor gave her six months. Four months later, she's still more full of righteous attitude than most, but it's apparent she's very ill. Life's a harsh mistress.
Necromunchkin said:
Life's a harsh mistress.

She certainly is. I don't know what to say, exactly. You deserve better, and I'm more than sure things will turn around for you soon, man. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, I do hope she is as comfortable as possible and if she's fighting it to the end, then I admre her strength.

My head (and heart) believe consciousness transcends death, so try not to look upon it with too much fear.

Enjoy the tequila, friend...New horizons await!
Dead_Lioness said:
IMO, nothing is spicier than TAI
seriously they even get their own name for spicy: "tai hot"
now, when you say that in a restaurant, they always look at you like:
"you sure you want tai hot?"
almost like when you turn your computer off and they want to be SURE
you want to do it.
then you say yes, and prepare for the spiciest meal of a life time.

I know so many friends who like spicy food and when they came to tai restaurants they couldn't believe how strong it was..

but anyhoo: I think Israeli food is mainly a combo of medeterinean (mostly)
and then a combo of middle eastern-european.
I personally LOVE Israeli food... its the exact opposite of "all american food"
70% vegetables, everything is almost always low fat, a lot of cheeses (soft cheeses 5% fat tops- and boy those are GREAT, goat cheeses, its very healthy... an "proper" traditional Israeli breakfast is 1 or 2 eggs,
with a huge salad near it (tomatos, cucumbers, bellpepepers, and parsley all
choped together) and at least 3 kinds of cheeses and bread.
and thats it.

I miss all the healthy stuff and the fact that I could buy 3KG bell peppers
or tomatos for 5 bucks :erk:

on the oter hand: israel make shit beer.

on the other hand: our wine rule.

glad you enjoyed your meal Lord Foul!!! :)
All I did was going to an italian restaurant, NOT ordering a pasta dish
(thats the least I could do LOZ0RZ)
and drink planty of wine.

I don't think I could do it... :ill: I love my mexican food and italian food, and ol fashioned southern chicken fried steak, with country gravy. :lol:
Wow. This thread is making me hungry. I guess I need to find some place that servers "jewish" food. I can't say I've ever seen a jewish restraurant around here though! I've seen plenty of Mediterranean, middle eastern and greek places though.

I like Thai food too. But I never found it too spicy myself. I pretty much stick to stuff like Panang Beef, Pad Thai and Tom Yum soup, etc. Probably not the spicy stuff.
Cool...an Israeli metal chick; very few and far between. Maybe now I'll have a use of this language that I've been learning for the past 12 years of my life :D