Fucking Jews

Guerrilla said:
So it'd be ok to hate Jews if they had it as good as Christians? What? Look here, if you wanna believe in a higher being that is part rabbit part whale, I don't give a fuck as long as you keep it to yourself. The moment you start preaching about your beliefs in public, or imposing them on others, you oughta die. Organized religion is the bane of humanity. I don't distinguish Christian from Jewish or Muslim or whatever. If it were up to me, I'd start a revolution, gather every religious person on the planet and perform mass executions.
As far as distinguishing between an institution and the believers who follow it, I see it as one and the same. If you don't wanna be a part of the catholic church, worship whatever god you want on your own. Don't forget that the only reason the institutions exist are the followers. If the church had no followers, it wouldn't exist. If you start going to church and playing by their rules, you're one of them. Same with Jews, same with everybody.

Like I said religion is one of those things that can really help a human being, but destroy a lot.

Also, Guerilla,because of your sig and title and arguing in this thread, you oughta die too because they are letting us know of your beliefs.
GroundXero3k said:
Also, Guerilla,because of your sig and title and arguing in this thread, you oughta die too because they are letting us know of your beliefs.
Or lack thereof. Pay attention, I never said everybody, no matter what, who imposes their religious beliefs on others should die, I said I'd very much enjoy to kill OTHERS who impose their religious beliefs on me.

I know I am right, and they are wrong, so they die and I don't.

I am a very arrogant and self-centered individual, so instead of trying to change to please others, I've learned to embrace my shortcomings and please myself instead.
When it comes to views on life, no one is right and no one is wrong. END OF DISCUSSION.
GroundXero3k said:
When it comes to views on life, no one is right and no one is wrong. END OF DISCUSSION.
Logic is right.
Illogic is wrong.
Religion is wrong.
I agree with this, I am right.
You are wrong.
If you cant laugh at yourself and others you need to be shot.
Racism= Funny.
Sexism = Funny.
any "ism" = Funny.

take a fucking joke.
Wow, yeah, wow, you're so insightful and that.

At least I can laugh about how shitty the world is rather than sit and go "Oh no its so wrong and horrible"

Go and have a drink, a smoke and remember this is just a message board.
junkie: you really dont know me.
im joking about things like that myself man.
im no "mickeal jackson-heal the world" chick.

but like i said: we dont know eachother here, i can never tell if its a joke or not, and all i said was that i dont understand this thred, and i have no way to know if it was serious or not.
i assume that if i'd knew you all in person, and know that we all can laugh abiut it- i'd join right in the joke, my friend.
but since i dont: im entitled to think that this thread is a bit, "too much" right?
and again, i dont know you guys. YET

have a great day anyways.
I think everyone's problem with this thread is that it wasn't a joke or anything it was just "I hate jews."

And being Jewish is also an ethnicity. There are Ashkanazi Jews, Safardic Jews....

I'm Jewish, but in no way am I religious.
There is an important difference between the persecution of Christians by the Romans and the persecution of Jews by Hitler.
The Romans saw Christianity simply as a religion, i.e. if a Christian changed religion he/she could prevent from being persecuted. But Hitler defined the Jews as a race, which means that you were automatically a Jew if you had Jewish ancestors; so they could in no way avoid persecution.
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I agree that the racism should stop, but I have only limited issues with anything else. I see nothing wrong with asking if you drink piss, btw, but advertsing your animal sex isn't welcome, which is why metallicasucks[enter penile euphemism here] isn't around much anymore.
I find it funny people come on message boards and spam racism and religious hate. Yet most of them would not have the balls to say anything they say on here to anybody face to face. Thats the internet for you. Safe behind your computer monitor in your parents basement.
You know what i think? I think this thread is lame and should be deleted...thats what i think...if one wants to be an attention whore, one should atleast post their tits or something...otherwise one looks like a complete fuckwit...This thread has no point...:)