Fucking Jews

Wolftribe said:
1.) Racism is not a joke, its a serious problem, you ignorant fuck
Yes it is, because it's so fucking ridiculous. Are you black? Can you actually shingle dead black people? (well, I guess you could try......)

2.) what other point could a post like that have? it has no contribution at all...
This is a discussion forum. A post like mine is discussion in referance to a topic. RIP's post was made to generate discussion. It's up to the individual who decides to reply what direction the discussion could possibly go.
(NOTE: You can't bring up the fact that this is a NEVERMORE board because you're as guilty as anyone for the creation of off-topic discussion.)
If you can't see the contribution this post has, try paying more attention in school during english/reading and comprehension.

Yeah, as for Jews Guerrilla is completely right. Religion is a fucking disease, destruction of it can only result in positivity.
Wolftribe said:
1.) Racism is not a joke, its a serious problem, you ignorant fuck
Prejudice and discrimination based solely on people's physical characteristics is a problem. If you have a real reason to hate them I don't see what the problem is.
the difference is, dumbass... that since the founding of their religion the jewish people have been persecuted, whilst the christians only had trouble during the roman empire. and who is cheered on the roman persecution of the christians. Personally, even though i do not believe in organized religion, i think everyone is entitled to their own idea of faith, as faith is built around the idea that you can believe in something because you feel it is true, without specific evidence proving that it is right (also keep in mind there is no evidence proving it wrong, no matter what you believe). So what i am saying is that i don't think saying "fuck christians" is cool, however i do not mind the bashing of the catholic church, as it has been proven to be a prejudiced and hypocritical institution (notice the distinction between the institution and the believers who follow it).
why am i offended by it?
Because i have friends of many races, religions, sexual preferances, etc.... and i choose to make a stand on their part. Also, ignorance is something i feel obligated to fight against.
Gurrila: you born jewish.
and you're right- its a religion, and just like yourself- im not religious and i hate any religion in any form.
however, being a racist is something i cant except.
and dont be a "smart ass"
because you know damn right that saying:
"i hate the jews" is racist and idiotic and anti semith, and we all know what happened in WW2.

jedahism is a religion, but when you say "fuck the jews" it also reflects on all jewish people wether if they religious or not.

you know damn well im right.
retarded penguin said:
Yes it is, because it's so fucking ridiculous. Are you black? Can you actually shingle dead black people? (well, I guess you could try......)

This is a discussion forum. A post like mine is discussion in referance to a topic. RIP's post was made to generate discussion. It's up to the individual who decides to reply what direction the discussion could possibly go.
(NOTE: You can't bring up the fact that this is a NEVERMORE board because you're as guilty as anyone for the creation of off-topic discussion.)
If you can't see the contribution this post has, try paying more attention in school during english/reading and comprehension.

Yeah, as for Jews Guerrilla is completely right. Religion is a fucking disease, destruction of it can only result in positivity.

No, i'm white... however, the offense is still there, as a person who is against ignorance. THis whole thread was pointless and a call for attention. Not humerous. Not intelligent. Not anything but attention craving.

Why does it affect you when someone believes something different? just leave them be.
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I bet you think I'm racist or something for even using the word 'my pals'.
Let me let you in on something. Sometimes you reach a point of intelligence where some words just become 'dead'. Their meaning is just fucking so twisted by idiots throughout the world that they no longer possess any real meaning and I end up using them half the time as substitutes for the word 'idiot' or 'dumb'. It's not even in referance to a type of people (homosexuals or africans), just morons.
Guerrilla said:
Prejudice and discrimination based solely on people's physical characteristics is a problem. If you have a real reason to hate them I don't see what the problem is.
there never is a real reason, most of them are built on past grudges that are rediculous or false stereo types....

I have to eat dinner, i'll be back to continue this wonderful conversation...
Wolftribe said:
Why does it affect you when someone believes something different? just leave them be.
Because they are wrong. Their beliefs lead them to reject logic. Logic, something that is dwindling in our world.
Penguin: i see your point, but i have to disagree.
being "intelegent" is not to "ignore" things like that.
and i have never said nor thought you are a racist.
i just disagree with your way of thinking thats all.

this thread is NOTHING but a cry for attention.
and i know this forum is funny, and yeah i like being here, and joke around, but there are some things that i find NOT funny.
im not a religious person, nor believe in any religion at all, still, in forums like this one, where we all gather to talk about MUSIC and a certain band we like, i dont see any place for racism, or politics.
lets just keep it out of this place and lets try to have fun with other subjects we can joke about.

i dont find it funny at all, and i will not ignore stupidity like this one.

now lets have a beer shall we?
Wolftribe said:
the difference is, dumbass... that since the founding of their religion the jewish people have been persecuted, whilst the christians only had trouble during the roman empire. and who is cheered on the roman persecution of the christians. Personally, even though i do not believe in organized religion, i think everyone is entitled to their own idea of faith, as faith is built around the idea that you can believe in something because you feel it is true, without specific evidence proving that it is right (also keep in mind there is no evidence proving it wrong, no matter what you believe). So what i am saying is that i don't think saying "fuck christians" is cool, however i do not mind the bashing of the catholic church, as it has been proven to be a prejudiced and hypocritical institution (notice the distinction between the institution and the believers who follow it).
why am i offended by it?
Because i have friends of many races, religions, sexual preferances, etc.... and i choose to make a stand on their part. Also, ignorance is something i feel obligated to fight against.
So it'd be ok to hate Jews if they had it as good as Christians? What? Look here, if you wanna believe in a higher being that is part rabbit part whale, I don't give a fuck as long as you keep it to yourself. The moment you start preaching about your beliefs in public, or imposing them on others, you oughta die. Organized religion is the bane of humanity. I don't distinguish Christian from Jewish or Muslim or whatever. If it were up to me, I'd start a revolution, gather every religious person on the planet and perform mass executions.
As far as distinguishing between an institution and the believers who follow it, I see it as one and the same. If you don't wanna be a part of the catholic church, worship whatever god you want on your own. Don't forget that the only reason the institutions exist are the followers. If the church had no followers, it wouldn't exist. If you start going to church and playing by their rules, you're one of them. Same with Jews, same with everybody.
I'd say it was best to leave those who keep it to themselves alone, though, Guerrilla. The fact they don't bother anyone actually garners respect from me.
yeah, Sam Adams is great with me!
i'll take a Boston Ale though :D
hope you dont mind :)

Gurilla: beer?
lets just drop this. we all made our points here, and its ok that here and there we wont agree with eachother..

this dude that opened this thread is nothing but an idiot to me, and always will be.

now lets get drunk dammit