
So, in AZ we banned smoking in all public establishments (yet continue to give tax breaks for people who drive SUVs?) and set the smack down on illegal immigrants, kept a fascist senator, and were very confused over public domain rights on land trust.

Ye gods this is a twisted state.
^ It was kind of obvious that he would be re-elected... He's very popular over there... Are you unhappy with him?
I don't have any idea about his actions at all.

In Virginia, THANK GOAT we elected the democrat Jim Webb...
I hated the MACACA guy Allan... such a douche.
Yeah, I know it was.. but still. He's been cutting money from school and environmental causes, and he had these "special elections" last year where he tried to pass a bunch of conservative initiatives to limit state spending, make girls under 18 tell their parents before getting an abortion, etc. Not a single one passed, and it was a huge waste of money.
Yeah, I know it was.. but still. He's been cutting money from school and environmental causes, and he had these "special elections" last year where he tried to pass a bunch of conservative initiatives to limit state spending, make girls under 18 tell their parents before getting an abortion, etc. Not a single one passed, and it was a huge waste of money.

^ oh wow... that sucks... wtf is up with the "make girls tell their parents" shit??

I've heard people in Cali actually like his somewhat conservative ways...
Conservatism has some mileage. I generally support abortion and privacy rights for that matter, but I think the causes behind the growing numbers of abortions need treated pretty quickly though, the problem we have is that it becomes a religious debate, when it really fucking shouldn't.

Also, Didn't Arnold get going with some Bush-opposed, fully sensible, plans for tackling the environmental issue?

Regardless, It's still hard to take a man seriously who once made a 15 minute video comparing weight lifting to having an orgasm, saying the word "cumming" in his creepy accent every 30 seconds.

The problem America has is stupid christian families who don't teach their kids
about birth control....
Kids will always have sex, you can't stop them from doing that, the problem is: they know nothing about birth control/ or think its "wrong" cause bible-humper mommy said so.... so they think they can trick "nature"
and what do we get? million of teen moms.
If only abortion was not such a huge debate about "religion" then maybe
the generations growing, will not be so retarded. LITERALY.

I fucking hate religion.
Religion is not so bad, we've just happened to take it down all the worst possible routes.

I agree with you regarding the failure to educate. I've long been in support of teaching sex-ed to children as soon as they enter school. Puritanical bullshit only leads to confused kids. We need to get pragmatic and sort it out.

The Church needs to realise it is responsible for a large chunk of the percentage increase in teen pregnancy.
in a perfect world, increasing education's budget would result in less people needing health services, thus permitting the government to focus on something else (like environment and education, eh). It's a pretty big problem here, cause with our global insurrance program and the aging population, we're not gonna be able to pay the bills, especially cause a lot of old people go to the hospital for absolutely no valid reason (ignorance, in other words, and education would fix that)

edit: the thing is, if a political party wants to win the elections, they gotta tell the country that they'll increase the health services budget, otherwise the oldies won't vote for them thus making them lose the election (yes, old people vote a lot)
Old people are the key demographic because over two thirds of them vote, compared with less than one third of the 18-25's.

It's all a bit stupid.
i got in an argument with a friend, he was mad that i didnt vote, and i told him, what should i do? go in an vote blindly? i might as well toss a dart at a wall of candidates and vote for whoever i hit.