hey Kevin! i got the package!

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
thanks a ton for the cds, stickers, and cards

what confused me on the DBS CD (i made the CDDB for it), there are 2 tracks on the back of the sleeve, the 2nd track length didnt match the length of the 2nd track on the cd... and theres a 3rd track on it (which i found to be Sinner).

thanks again! youll be getting a free copy of my band's EP upon completion :)
i got mine too! i didnt know KISW made trading cards! :tickled:
im gonna listen to the cd now :D
hey Cara, i also got your package today too!! hooray! crayfish party hat!
Deliver your package to him, Will!

Isabel... I aske din the channel a few days ago who wanted the new DBS cd free of charge. These people spoke up and gave me their address, so they got a package. If you want one, PM me. That goes for anyone that wants the DBS cd :)
ive got a package for you too, OH!