Hey Mistress!!!!!

Hmm....I guess WD doesn't know about the cool PM feature on this forum. The bastard could comment on the remastering issue, but no. :rolleyes:
QUOTE=Lord of Metal---Hmm....I guess WD doesn't know about the cool PM feature on this forum. The bastard could comment on the remastering issue, but no.


I'm not logged in, but that deserves repeating.
I invite all the upset ones to sign in and send me a PM. :D I'm always in for a healthy conversation. even in public, if there are arguments.
neal said:
oh drama, drama, drama. all you crazy chicks need to chill.

I think they have to chill too... :D what's going on is not only drama... it's something between a thriller and a melodrama. o_O
Tee said:
I think they have to chill too... :D what's going on is not only drama... it's something between a thriller and a melodrama. o_O

Why is it everytime WD makes a post to a female (and never you I seem to notice) you have to throw in a jab?