Hey music theory experts - what sets metal apart?

I hate theory...Most people do. I don't know much of it, but I can read music extremely well. Obviously Opeth isn't the kind of band who uses open and barre chords all the time. :D
1 b3 4 5 b7 is just in relation to whatever note the 1 is. If it was A it would be A C D E G. Yes though those notes all fit diatonically into the C Major or A Minor scales.

What do you mean Opeth does not use open or barre chords? They use them like momos man all the time..

Other then that I really need to work on my sight-reading while playing. I can read the whole grand staff fine and do so when analyzing music but all the different positions for guitar pisses me off.

Heh. I guess I should have stressed on that "All the time" part. Sight-reading is what I do best, and I too can read a grand staff.

P.S. - I'm from Northern VA, too. :)
No I quit taking guitar when I went into high school. I was in All County Jazz though this year. That's awesome man we should get together and jam sometime! A lot of my buds used to go to County... even my guitar playing Bud who is going with me to Berklee in August for the Summer Sessions.

Yea I know Alex he's a cool dude.. he played in the jazz All County with me. Ahh you are in his band that's rad man!

I've heard of that Ricky Renga kid. The dude I know is named Michael Hower and the other dude I play with is Alec Milnes.

Alex knows them both.

Oh yea BTW I work at the Melodee Music in Countryside. The good one.

Whoa dude! I think I've seen you before! You have a BWP Opeth shirt, right? I was in there one time with a Yngwie Malmsteen shirt. I also take lessons at that same place!
Ahh wild dude. Yea that was me with the BWP Opeth shirt.. you should have said something dude. I take lessons from there to. From Mike Bailey who is one of my guitar heroes. He is amazing.
