Hey Perniciosa


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
How are you doing? I got a little question for you: do you have cellular biology classes??? I got an exam thursday, and I just realized tonight the gigantic amount of things we need to know. I thought I was well prepared, and now I'm drinking coffee to stay awake for the night :lol:
actually our teachers made up their own books using various references so we don't have to buy a bunch of 100$ books. This is a plus because the information is a lot easier to find, but I've got something like 240 pages of stuff to remember for thursday, so it's not really gonna help anyway. I should have seen it coming though, I fall in the trap of "meh it's gonna be easy" everytime.
another Hey Perniciosa thread, lets see who is next to open one, until now we have james and asmode:lol: i'm sorry if i'm forgetting someone.
biology sucks too, so i'm not surprised that you find it so hard
I could have titled the thread: to those who have cellular biology classes, but I knew Perniciosa probably had some ;)
Read it once or twice. There's a lot of stuff but it's pretty easy to remember. And 240 pages... dude, I 've read Albert's Essential cell biology (1000 pages) in two weeks.
heh, generic classes suck for that. We probably won't ever need it in ******** either.

Anyway, it's 1am and I'm sick to death of studying, and knowing that's what I'm gonna do the entire day tomorrow (erm, today), I better keep some energy. Night all.

edit: stupid censorship......