How do stay awake? ¯\(°_o)/¯

Thanks very much to everyone for all your ideas. This problem is getting worse and starting to really impact on my life. It's weird because since starting this post it's like you've put a spotlight on me for a moment and really had to think about it. It's no just the afternoon crash, I feel so terrible when I'm like that, I just want to go to sleep, it's like nothing else exists for that moment. It also make you feel lazy, you know like you don't want to do anything else.

Wow! That's excellent. I can stay in bed for about 8hrs but 4-5hrs is max sleep. Usually about 4. Did you do anything particular to break the cycle?

Well part of my insomnia was due to constant partying (and of course the substances and things you do when partying like a fucking animal).

To really break out of insomnia, you need to go to bed at the same time every night, not just random times of night. As much as you might want to, you shouldn't be stimulating your brain too much at night either. That stuff keeps you awake for way longer than you should be, so turn off that TV, turn off that computer and keep away from the game consoles
Well part of my insomnia was due to constant partying (and of course the substances and things you do when partying like a fucking animal).

To really break out of insomnia, you need to go to bed at the same time every night, not just random times of night. As much as you might want to, you shouldn't be stimulating your brain too much at night either. That stuff keeps you awake for way longer than you should be, so turn off that TV, turn off that computer and keep away from the game consoles

Thanks mate, I think I need to make a few changes.
so you are saying that you are relatively lazy when it comes to exercise, and i am speaking hypothetically here, if you are going to sleep and waking up during relatively normal times (getting 8+ hours of sleep at night) I can only see one huge problem. It sounds to me that you are having insomnia from a chemical imbalance (depression). When I had this bad back in 2006 I noticed that regardless of what I ate for lunch, if I ate a lot, I would literally pass out during my next class and be out for the rest of the school day. It seems that depression induced insomnia amplifies the exhaustion effect from eating a decent sized lunch. You may not feel depressed (or even insomnia) but lack of motivation/exercise, insomnia (even feeling tired during the middle of the day) and poor diet is all a tell tale sign.

Your best bet, would be to see a doctor about a sleeping medication so help induce deep sleep and to obtain it on a regular basis, while you take the time to exercise at least 30 minutes every day and to eat healthier and you will feel a difference. Consume less sugar and caffeine or try to cut down. Make your life simple by eating a huge meal in the morning (anything that tastes good, it doesn't have to be breakfast material) so that way you can have a small lunch to get you by for the rest of the day until dinner, don't rely so much on caffeine and try to stay away from it after the early morning. Once your mood is better, you usually don't need to continue sleeping aids, but there are some very effective non habit forming medications out there that work for someone with chronic insomnia. On the bright side of the whole thing, once you have that all under control you will feel that your mood has dramatically elevated.
I work for an oil field services company. It has its good points and its bad points (the bad being getting called out at 3 am and not being able to sleep for two days). Also, try eating four or five smaller meals during the day rather than two or three big meals.