How do Beat Detective with Cubase (tutorial) ¯\(°_o)/¯

I´ve got another problem...

It´s driving me NUTS!!! I´m going to kill somebody :yell:

I cut all my hits, crossfade them, go to the crossfade menu to bring them all to the same length. Then I want to move all the fades to the left and they just DON´T MOVE! I have no idea what to do! All my transients and some bassdrum hits just vanish in the fades and I can´t get them to move. I can move single fades by clicking between the boundaries, but I can´t move all at the same time... And I don´t want to move 900 fades by hand.

Please help!! Lasse? Anyone?


I´ve got another problem...

It´s driving me NUTS!!! I´m going to kill somebody :yell:

I cut all my hits, crossfade them, go to the crossfade menu to bring them all to the same length. Then I want to move all the fades to the left and they just DON´T MOVE! I have no idea what to do! All my transients and some bassdrum hits just vanish in the fades and I can´t get them to move. I can move single fades by clicking between the boundaries, but I can´t move all at the same time... And I don´t want to move 900 fades by hand.

Please help!! Lasse? Anyone?



select all events
grab a cross fade with your mouse, drag it slightly to the left
every cross fade will do the same
and another way to do it is to remove all cross fades, delete overlaps, then

select all events
use the nudge-trim tool, nudge-trim left edge backwards 10 ms two times, nudge-trim right edge backwards 10 ms
and you'll get a 10 ms overlap 10 ms to the left of each edit point

select all and hit cross fade
Thanks for the reply Joey!

Your first solution is what I´m trying to do all the time, but It does not work in my case :erk:

I will check out your second advice though... Hope it works because I wanna show you my mix after everything is recorded :)
Joey: Whoah wait, so Delete Overlaps will delete the audio behind other events that are overlapping it? Never used that before but damn that rocks! :lol:
Joey: Whoah wait, so Delete Overlaps will delete the audio behind other events that are overlapping it? Never used that before but damn that rocks! :lol:

yeah man

it doesnt always work the way you'd think

there's actually a bug in cubase 5 where some audio events appear on top, and even play back on top, but according to delete overlaps, are not on top

when i edit drums, i never have overlaps because i use split / slip, so its just audio event - split - audio event, with no space in between

then when i do a trim back of 10 ms, i get an exact overlap of 10 ms for the entire song for every edit point

hit x, done

I think I know where my problem is now...
I can´t move anything to the left, because there´s probably one event in my entire drum tracks which can not be moved further left because there is no more audio material! I´m not quite sure how this happened but I think thats the case.

So my new question: Is there any function/possibility in Cubase to enlarge an event to the left even when there is no more audio material? Cubase has to create silence before the beginning of the event in this case, or am I wrong?

Merry Christmas!!