How do Beat Detective with Cubase (tutorial) ¯\(°_o)/¯

Lasse: Could you please post a screenshot of your Crossfade-settings window?

Also since you worked with both, PT and Cubase, do you find any of it sounds better for quantizing drums (Apart from the Only-100%-quantize-in-Cubase-issue.)?
if done right both ways sound exactly the same....BD is doing exactly how I'm doing it in Cubase....just in a more convenient way.

Thanks for this vid, but my main problem is to create this fucking macro. I know how to create one, but how can i get this automatically cut thing go to work. Really haven´t an idea, my macro stops at the first cut. Maybe i´m just to fucking stupid or have overlooked some important thing.
Thanks for this vid, but my main problem is to create this fucking macro. I know how to create one, but how can i get this automatically cut thing go to work. Really haven´t an idea, my macro stops at the first cut. Maybe i´m just to fucking stupid or have overlooked some important thing.

press the keycommand for the macro and hold it all the way through the song.
I just gave the macro thing a try and I had it worked out in like 10 minutes. Really not a big deal and saves A LOT of time in comparison to the inital how-to.

One thing I'll remember for upcoming Drum Recording Sessions: Set up a Hi-Hat mic! No matter if you're gonna use it in the mix but you're gonna need one if you want to correct the timing of the hihat as well.
Hey Lasse, care to post your "Stille suchen" settings to "stip silence" kicks, snares, toms...? I found it quite hard to get it right without cutting the transient respectively the fade out of the hit. :erk:
Hey Lasse, care to post your "Stille suchen" settings to "stip silence" kicks, snares, toms...? I found it quite hard to get it right without cutting the transient respectively the fade out of the hit. :erk:

ain't I doing that in the video?

or do you mean for the "cleaning" of the files on the mictracks?
I wouldn't use strip silence for that, always doing it by hand on the toms and with a sidechain-triggered gate on kick and snare
Yeah sorry, I meant for "cleaning" purposes, should have made that clearer in my post. :erk:
The sidechain-triggered gate will only work if you have triggers recorded though, right?
thanks for the tutorial! would be so rad to see one for Pro Tools Beat Detective along with project files to practice along with the video.
I have a worse problem than this now, some crossfades aren't even useful without creating double hits. The drummer was real off in some parts. I cant replace him with superior either cause he does ghost note rolls and fills every measure. FUCKKKK!
I have a worse problem than this now, some crossfades aren't even useful without creating double hits. The drummer was real off in some parts. I cant replace him with superior either cause he does ghost note rolls and fills every measure. FUCKKKK!

I had some problems like this recently on a project and just copy/pasted the best takes and corrected things as much as possible. Thankfully I had the drummer do 3 takes of each song all the way through, so it was possible to get most of the sections of the songs perfect without too much hassle.

Sometimes though, if a drum part is bad enough, it's easier just to program the parts from scratch with a MIDI track fed into Superior, Slate, or whatever your VSTi of choice is. Get the parts dead-on to what the drummer was trying to do, and they have no idea they've been replaced by a robot in most cases. :lol:

I won't work with shitty drummers anymore, though... it's in my contract going forward that I reserve the right to replace 100% of the drums if the performances suck - that usually scares off the shitty drummers or humbles them into practicing the songs. Sometimes you end up replacing everything but the OH's, of course you have to have the samples line up with the OH's or you have stray hits you can faintly hear in the OH's flamming with your MIDI parts.