Well, the hard part is finding The Riffs. And my problem when that happens is that I feel as if everything as already been invented and it all sucks I suck and ftw. But like a writer, all the words have already been written. But not all the feelings, thoughts, imaginations, madness, etc. Basically, I think music theory is good but far from necessary for when you compose the riff. The theory is good for the arrangements. For finding The Riffs, imho the trick is to go insane, forget outside exists, life is food and composing is shitting.
Do you need lessons to shit? No, but you need someone who studied and worked to make the bowl and the whole underground thingy.
And about weed I am not against it at all but I think it is good for when you are doing a big big day of composing and writing after like, the 7th hour when your brain stops functionning properly at some point. Then you take a break and that break must be very efficient in time, like, 30 minutes must feel like a whole new world and since teletransporters don't exist yet, because I think 30 minutes in a little village in India can change the mind set, well smoke a little pot.
And also when I am in the composing mood, I try to compose many songs in a short period of time and I listen to very few bands whom I decided to let them inspire me. And those bands are usually under the number of 10 and it's not all metal. But when I listen to classical music, my mind seems to automatically imagine a metal version, but a FULL version of it with ALL the parts with a metal band. So I think that's good for the mind, to listen to something totally not metal and not really near what you wanna but you SEE the link... or something. The brain is a muscle!
And about weed I am not against it at all but I think it is good for when you are doing a big big day of composing and writing after like, the 7th hour when your brain stops functionning properly at some point. Then you take a break and that break must be very efficient in time, like, 30 minutes must feel like a whole new world and since teletransporters don't exist yet, because I think 30 minutes in a little village in India can change the mind set, well smoke a little pot.
And also when I am in the composing mood, I try to compose many songs in a short period of time and I listen to very few bands whom I decided to let them inspire me. And those bands are usually under the number of 10 and it's not all metal. But when I listen to classical music, my mind seems to automatically imagine a metal version, but a FULL version of it with ALL the parts with a metal band. So I think that's good for the mind, to listen to something totally not metal and not really near what you wanna but you SEE the link... or something. The brain is a muscle!