Hey Roxy!

Yo man : ) Luckily Bart tipped me off that someone was talking to me, otherwise it would have been another month until I answered.

So: the project has a working title for now, but I might change my mind before the material is out.

We started recording one song and got marshed in while looking for a decent piano sample - the conclusion is we'll re-record on acoustic piano.
I intend to play most instruments myself, except for guitars(Bart) and drums. The initial test recordings were not made available because I didn't feel they were finished, besides my voice was not at its best and I didn't want to document how much I sucked :p
This year I feel ready to go through with recording - also Bart's studio is looking awesome after the toil of last summer and we will be able to get pro results for the vokills!!

And how did y0u hear about this? I can probably count the people who have heard it on the fingers of one hand.?!?! o_O