Hey Teenagers!! How about a nice sandy vacation??

Pentagon begins building teen database for recruiting RAW STORY

The Defense Department began working Wednesday with a private marketing firm to create a database of all U.S. college students and high school students between 16 and 18 years old, to help the military identify potential recruits in a time of dwindling enlistment in some branches, the Washington Post reports Thursday. Excerpts follow:

The program is provoking a furor among privacy advocates. The new database will include an array of personal information including birth dates, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, grade point averages, ethnicity and what subjects the students are studying.

The data will be managed by BeNow Inc. of Wakefield, Mass., one of many marketing firms that use computers to analyze large amounts of data to target potential customers based on their personal profiles and habits.

"The purpose of the system ... is to provide a single central facility within the Department of Defense to compile, process and distribute files of individuals who meet age and minimum school requirements for military service," according to the official notice of the program. Privacy advocates said the plan appeared to be an effort to circumvent laws that restrict the government's right to collect or hold citizen information by turning to private firms to do the work.

Some data on high school students already is given to military recruiters in a separate program under provisions of the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act. Recruiters have been using the information to contact students at home, angering some parents and school districts around the country.

School systems that fail to provide that data risk losing federal funds, although individual parents or students can withhold information that would be transferred to the military by their districts. John Moriarty, president of the PTA at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Md., said the issue has "generated a great deal of angst" among many parents participating in an e-mail discussion group.

Under the new system, additional data will be collected from commercial data brokers, state drivers' license records and other sources, including information already held by the military.

meanwhile, RightWingnut site Newsmax is trying to make money off this new military chic! little do they know that if we keep having military recruitment shortfalls, even Young Republicans may actually have to serve!!
lizard said:
hunting for psilocybin?

The only place you can find them naturally occuring is about 15 minutes away from here, and it is private property of a summer resort. My brother is one of the managers there and they hired this old hippie guy to go all around and find them! Since I can't get involved in that, though, I'm buying some spores and doing it myself! They are impossible to get around here in the first place, so this should be fun- supposedly it's very easy to do with high yield!
cthulufhtagn said:
i turn 19 in two weeks, they'll never catch me, mwahahahaha
them shitz said:
create a database of all U.S. college students and high school students between 16 and 18 years old
I remember ol' Sgt. Silvah used to call me all the damn time when I was approaching high school graduation, trying to get me to enlist. Those people are tools.
God dammit that article words it stupid (should have a comma after "college students"), this is what another one says:
other shitz said:
create a database of high school students ages 16 to 18 and all college students
so yeah, watch joself and stuff. :loco:

stinkin' linkin'
ui am wasy to alszy to read thsi whole thing, but SANDDDD RULLESSS DIVE TIL DAETH!

For those of you who may be confused, allow me to translate.

"I am an ass." :Spin:
E-bortion said:
For those of you who may be confused, allow me to translate.

"I am an ass." :Spin:

corect e-baorsiton =- assa whole ansd tuff!!! hahahahah aka: i love youa sdudde =)=)