hey, thanks RNC


Aug 2, 2002
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For getting me up at 5 am so I can get to work at 8. thanks for having police barricades and drug sniffing hounds surround me because a guy next to me was screaming (because he is an asshole) and thanks for having our maintenance department FORGET to change the timer on the a/c so it’s like, 8 bejilliongazillion degrees in here.

also, thanks for making me all cranky because i can't get to the store to get my breakfast.
"The protestors do not represent the mainstream of America!" I've seen that insidious phrase just about everywhere lately, and makes me feel proud that I'm not part of what the rightwing pundits consider to be the mainstream. And I'm just waiting for Bush to get a negligible boost after they rubbed it in Kerry's face...