Hey, this band is just freaking rad!

A Reason To Sing

The tomato is a fruit
Nov 28, 2005
Bay Area, California U.S.
I thought I'd share these folks with you guys. There's a lot of amazing talent in the world today, and best of look to all bands who are making music.

Dude, Behind The Scenery.
This is some progressive death metal. Their progression is just awesome. The vocalist is pretty cool as well, and most of all their guitar implementations are right on target. Very cool. Blast "me and the sun and 'retroviseur'! Dudes, that last bit of retroviseur..when those electric guitars come in!

I've been listening to this band all day.


Their myspace.
Erm, this kind of stuff isn't appreciated here, I guess. I can't delete the thread, now. I would appreciate it if any of the mods could delete this for me. Or lock it..what have you.

I don't want to start WW3. haha