Hey Till Fjalls, get over here!!!!!

Pierced Spirit

New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2001
San Antonio, Tx
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Hey man, I dont know if you remember me, but I was one of the guys that asked you to email me with "The Moor" tab you had figured out and I basically just bowed to you for bieng such an amazing guitarist to figure this song out. Well I had asked if you take requests, well I got some :)

First you dont have to tab out these entire songs, Im mainly looking for the main riff between these 2 times:

1. Godhead's Lament: 5:53 - 6:53 (Pure heavy metal bliss!) & 7:23 - 7:38 (That part is soooo awesome)

2. Bleak: 6:40 - 7:20 (My mouth drops everytime I hear this, You wouldnt possible know the bass that goes behind this part either would ya?) :)

3. And for an entire song, if this is at all possible, Moonlapse Vertigo. If not the whole song, the acoustic part would be just fine and very awesome:) You wouldnt happen to know the bass part here would you? ;)

Ive racked my brain and my ears trying to figure these songs and or parts of them and I cant due it. I have very little time and truthfully, Im just not that good (yes Im humble too,lol)

I hope you can help me out here man. Even if you cant or dont want to, please let me know, that way I know you at least saw this thread. Thanks man its greatly appreciated.
I could probably figure out the bass part you asked for in Bleak, or any other bass parts. The guitar parts may be pretty hard. I know your asking Till, but I am just trying to help if needed.
Sorry I'm slow replying, I've been trapped in the recording studio for days!!!!

But I'll give them a shot, I am not sure what sections you are referring to just by looking at the times, I'll have to listen to them again and see if I know them...If i don't already, I'll probably be able to devote some of tomorrow to getting them done.
Sweet!!! Thanks alot brother, thats fucking awesome! And you were in the studio? Do you have any of your songs online? I would love to hear the stuff you could write man! But the songs are greatly appreciated. I cant really describe them in words, so I though it would be easier giving the times. lol But Godheads Lament is the riff right after the acoustic part where hes singing "Though Id could not leave this place on this imanent day") The first riff thats heavy and repeated for about a minute. The part in Bleak I guess can be best described as either an interlude or break, its kinda the last "new" riff in the songs, before everything repeats. Thanks again man, this is too fucking cool of you.

And sure Morningrise. Go ahead and put the bass, if ya can. I wont refue help from a fellow Texan! :)
Cool, I know the Godhead's lament one, should be able to get that one soon enough.

Oh, and as for the studio, I was producing someone elses music, which is pretty damn good!!! Really catchy Foo-Fighters/Radioheadish acoustic stuff. If you're by any chance interested in that kind of stuffhttp://www.alexkidd.cjb.net for their older stuff.
Cool man, Ill have to check out that link tonight and hear some songs. Let me know about those tabs whenever you get the chance. Are you gonna have to post a link here or would ya like my email address?

Thanks for the site Clayman, but the links to tabs seem to be broken.