Hey, would anyone care if I showed you a band that a friend of mine is in?


May the HORNS be with you
Apr 6, 2007
Just to get your opinion really. But I'm not gonna post a link or anything of no one wants to see it anyway. I know how some forums, some people are really put off by stuff like that.
go ahead i guess. if people are not interested they won't click on it (or label you a spammer and tell you to fuck off)
it's like Iron Maiden + Testament + Children of Bodom

i liek the vocalist's grunts... he sounds like Chuck Billy. which is always a good thing.

so far I like it! :)
yeah... some say they sound rather original. a good blend of their favorite bands combining into something original. and i agree. my favorite song is actually The Way To Die. it's epic and powerful.
i'm not sure exactly where they recorded. all i know is that the guy that produced it is new to the production world. i guarantee no one here has heard of him. lol.
the song "Crucify" used to be called "Gay Date Rape". it was the chorus where they now sing "Fear, Pain, Hate". they are a bunch of funny guys.