Hey you guitarplayers around!


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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i am playing guitar for a year and some months now and i'm thinking about getting a new guitar in spring. unfortunately i don't know much about guitartechnics and stuff. so my first question is: what guitars do you prefer/what guitar can you suggest (price limit is about 1000 US$).
since many of my fav bands use esp i checked their page. does jeff loomis really us this h-307 ltd that costs about 800$?? i think that it's not that much. does anyone play ltd series? if yes are they comfortable to play, how are the pickups?

another question is about 7 string guitars. have they any disadvantages (except the price)? are they recommendable? do they really give you a "sea of possiblilities" that you don'T have with a 6 string guitar?

thxx for all replies...maybe i'll come up with some more questions later :)

i've played the LTD's and they are real nice...i have an M-II deluxe which is a higher model and it is absolutely great...i got it on ebay for 600...

personally i don't care too much about 7 strings, expecially since you are relatively new to the guitar, you might just want to get a really nice 6 string...
NoLordy wants to follow in the Footsteps of Joe Satriani (though not be a clone.) He likes the idea of being a viking/guitar virtuoso. (And Vikings DID drink beer, as well as mead too, Damn you!) :D
I think seven strings are harder to play on, especially if you're a beginner.If you have small hands i don't recomend a seven string, they're a lot wider
It depends on what style of music you want to play.

I wouldn't reccomend a 7-string personally. The reason that most people buy a 7, is because they want to have a really deep sting, like a B or something rather than an E. There is very few bands that actually utilize the seven strings, and no, nevermore doesn't use all seven strings either.

Morbid angel is the only band that i can think of that uses a 7-string properly. Mostly, 7's are used for nu-metal, but occasionally used in metal and death-metal if a really really good guitarist is present.

So no, i wouldn't reccomend a 7. Just get a really good 6 and master it.

I've been playing for ages, but seriously for about 10 years, and i see no need for another string. My les-paul is tuned down a tone, so it's D, G, C, F, A, D, and that is plenty low-enough for me.

If you are looking to get into lead-playing (Which at 1-year is probably not in your intentions yet), i would (personally!) reccomend a jackson or an ESP, as they have very fast necks, and are generally fairly comfortable.

If you buy a jackson, take the pickups out and step on them... twice...! And put in something like EMG or Gibson pickups.
well I'd go for Jackson myself, but they are somewhat over your budget(unless you go for cheaper models and change pick ups...)
I play a Dinky players choice and RR1.They're both great, but somewhat expensive...
you could buy a SL2 or 3 or DK2 or 3 or so

but I advise you to buy a GOOD guitar,maybe save a little more money and then buy a great guitar rather than buying a midclass...
DON'T buy a performer series guitar by Jackson...suckysucky

I don't have any real experience with ESP (except a couple of Gearge Lynch models...)so I can't really give you an expertise about that (I'm trying to buy a secondhanded Horizon though,seems a great guitar but haven't played it yet...)

the Paul Gambale model series by Ibanez seem very cool but I don't have any clue about the price...
I have an Ibanez RG 570 for sale for about 1000DM but since I'm from belgium and Germany is BIG hmmm nevermind...

:p good luck
1. thxx for all replies!!

If you are looking to get into lead-playing (Which at 1-year is probably not in your intentions yet), i would (personally!) reccomend a jackson or an ESP, as they have very fast necks, and are generally fairly comfortable.

If you buy a jackson, take the pickups out and step on them... twice...! And put in something like EMG or Gibson pickups.

well...does that include that you think that the ESP-pickups (ltd series) are ok??
well...does that include that you think that the ESP-pickups (ltd series) are ok

I'm actually not too sure sorry... I only know that the Jackson pickups I have come across are all terrible
ESP pickups are not that great, basically any stock pickups in a guitar isn't really good, there is always room to improve... I agree that you should get a Jackson or an ESP... I would say Jackson but ESP (LTD) makes good solid guitars.. good luck
I think the kind of guitar is depending on the music you want to play. For heavy sounds I would suggest a Jackson (but you should really change these f*** up PickUps), if you want to play a Seven String I would recommend an Ibanez. But 7's are not that comfortable and I think that playing lead guitar is not that easy. Maybe you should try the Yamaha drop 6, this guitar is very beautiful and not too expensive (I think about 500$, at least that is its price here in Germany). You could spend the rest of the money for new Pickups, so you can customize your sound very good.
Or you keep on saving your money and buy the new Petrucci Signature by EarnieBall/Musicman very nice guitar!