Hi Andy Sneap forum.

Static said:
Hello, I've never posted here before, but a few of the people I talk to regularly (such as Moonlapse, and Death's Acre) are known to frequent this place. I used to run with the Seriously Off-Topic crew before that turned to shit...and I make music and are interesting in all the production stuff that you guys talk about 'round here.

I'm not particularly familiar with Andy Sneap or the bands he has worked with, though I have an Arch Enemy album and some other things he has probably been involved in here and there, but I think it's pretty cool this place has so much discussion about production and such. Seems a good den of knowledge, so I might start visiting.


Anyways...I was wondering, how important is it to have the extra packs for the PODxt? There is the METAL pack (sounds important to me), the classic amps pack (also sounds useful), and the FX packs. I'm not fully happy with my metal tone, and whenever I download what are supposed to be really good tones it tells me that without said packs I'm not getting the full sound of the patch.

It's annoying not to be getting the most out of my PODxt. And if I'm not so satisfied with the metal tones it has for me right now, will I be like FUCK YEAH once I get the metal pack?

Just wonderin'. Any tips about recording with the PODxt would also be welcomed.

And hi.
Well that's all fine but...

Are you sexy?
I have a few patches I can send you that don't require the Metal Shop Pack. I used them on several recordings and was pleased with the sound.