hi dudes

moving in was a BREEZE ok here's the lowdown:

I had to scramble to record this bauhaus song I'd never really heard on umm Wednesday or Thursday night and then after we got that out of the way I took the Triac van home (which has a full color painting of a wizard smoking a joint on the roof - this was on the van when we bought it and who are we to deface a work of art??).

So Saturday morning I got directions to the storage space I am splitting with my aunt and me and myt brother and foster brother all rolled out to meet here there...it takes us a good hour and a hlaf to find it because the street my aunt said it was on quite frankly doesn't exist at all, but luckily I have a good memory and got us there around 11:50, where we find a note from my aunt saying she had waited until noon and to call her at home. we all laughed a lot. then my friend chris rolled up with his volvo wagon and we unloaded all my shit and brought it down to the apartment. Luke and Ty (foster brother) did almost all of the lifting and carrying. We dicked around for a while at my folk's house and then brought all my junk I had there back down and called it a night. the heat doesn't work because they removed the breaker that contorls it but other than that it seems to be in good shape and they're fixing the heat today.
wow sounds like it went pretty awesome! i always prefer to move in the winter anyway. moving in sweltering heat is *yuck*.
azal: bite me.
so then we all dig in for a night of heavy drinking and board games, new years, blah blah blah, go to bed super late, get up at like 2 the next day and get breakfast, go to the rehersal space, pack up the van and drive to DC for a show. We've got 2 straighedge dudes in the band and then me and blake; for us I think death warmed over would have been a vast improvement on our condition. There were literally 4 people at the show that weren't in bands or didn't work there, and it was actually kind of fun, except that I tried to cure my hangover with a beer just before we played and spent the whole set trying desperately not to puke all over the place...then yesterday I slept in and spent the rest of the day setting up my stuff.
yeah dude! that's like their official promo photo now! also he's wearing a Triac shirt in their MTV VIDEO that just got approved to be aired. what a fucked up world we live in.
i totally went to a rockin record release with my new triac shirt on. i was like "CHECK THIS SHIT OUT" showing it to everyone and rolling my eyes at anyone that was like 'who is that?'. haha.

also: sorry about the almost puking. best cure for hangovers/pukes = EMETROL
it's ok. all the other bands said I was 'blistering' and I was like 'umm were you listening to that crap? I wasn't even playing the right song sometimes!!' but I did get off stage and walk around the floor during one song, that ruled.

I'm so glad you like the shirt!!