Hi Hatt Anger... how do you eat yours? Hi pass?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Having some angry times with a hi hatt this evening, so wondering what sort of things you guys are up to regarding the whole shebang really. Im after a dead heart in a dead world style hatt, nice and smooth, no mud but plenty of the hi's to keep that ear candy there without giving you an ear ache...

Do you generally hi pass at a certain place? How do you compress? A little verb maybe?

All information is good information!

Cheers :headbang:
I hi-pass it wherever the mud gets out of the main picture. Ussually around 300hz or so, depends on the hat.
Smooth compression with a fast attack...
Very little verb
High shelf -2dB or so @ about 5kHz to smooth the highs.
Little bell +1dB or so @ about 10kHz to give it some brittle.
Kev, my only contribution to this thread is to inform you that there's only one "t" in "hat". Carry on! :D

Oh, but high shelving cuts are my shit on cymbals, cuz they're like half-assed low-passes!
Cheers chaps : ) I gave up on spelling after english a-level btw Marcus :lol: (DAMN YOU :D ) Tonight, with fresh ears, i think i've found what im battling against and ive ended up making a beast of a cut around the 1K area.
Best advice I can give is get the mic placement in a great spot to capture some of that crisp beautiful air and then hi-pass it (at the very least at 100Hz, but I tend to go anywhere from 250-500Hz depending on what other mic's i've put up, OHs or Rooms).

Another thing you might want to try is setting up an aux track with a white noise generator on it. Put a filter on it to kill everything under 10kHz (or lower) then side chain a gate from the original hat signal. Set up the gate until you're happy it's only triggering when you want it and then mix it into the real sound of the hat.
kev, are you struggling with recorded drums or samples? If its recorded, the mic choise and position are crucial in molding the sound. I have found that SM57 (and on gearslutz people say the same about SM7) actually works wonders for hihat as it isn't as harsh sounding as some SDC mics.