Hi! I'm a mac!

My favorite spoof, and I can't find it since seeing it, but it's basically:

Mac: So PC, what do you do for fun?


*PC pulls out assault rifle, shoots Mac in the head*

HAHAHA! Boom headshot is a classic. I cant stand Mac's.....please dont flame me for that comment I DIDNT MEAN IT!! HONEST!!!!! :)
Yeah, we had one in our old college and not only did it die all the time but I just dont find it very user friendly....probs because ive used the good old PC for so long!
Not directly on this topic, but in any computer-competent group you will hear the phrase 'problem lies between keyboard and chair' - this refers to the type of Windows users who would that easily fall for advertising and think that Macs make cuddly bunny rabbits hug everyone and that PCs get viruses from spreadsheets. Windows may be pretty fucked, but that doesn't take all of the blame away from human stupidity - Macs, on the other hand, try to be so idiot-proof that learning to use them is as demeaning and dull as learning to flush a toilet. After all of the Microsoft-doomsday bullshit coming from whenever anyone hears the word Vista and the advert assault that's been going on, I am officially as sick of Macs as I am of Windows PCs, simply because there is no way for a person to attempt to hold an opinion on a computer without having some self-righteous advert exec come along all high and mighty and declare everyone else to be an idiot - and in the process selling computers to trend-following cretins who would be just as easily swayed by the other side if the names in the commercial were switched. Sometimes it sickens me to see how profitable it is to just assume stupidity to market products.

Right. We should all revert to the abacus.

Not necessarily - we should learn to use what we have before blaming all of our problems on someone else and hoping that blindly buying anything that says it's better will wind up improving our situation.

My favorite spoof, and I can't find it since seeing it, but it's basically:

Mac: So PC, what do you do for fun?


*PC pulls out assault rifle, shoots Mac in the head*

That one doesn't really work though... because it would be insanely easy to play any game on a mac that you would on a pc.:headbang:
do you guys build your own macs??

I learned how to build a pc and just always been using since i can get parts cheap and build it. But Ive been debating getting a mac for my protools rig and i would like to build if possible maybe some pointers or differences in mac and pc building??