Hi! I'm a mac!

But but but...

...it costs 4 times more than my mouse and looks like a soap !

Is it 4 times better ? :heh:

Shit ! :oops: :lol: :ill: :puke:
Then which emoticon should i use in that situation ? :confused:

I officially hate the mighty mouse. After 6 months of using it (when I first got it was pretty kickass) I loath it. $50 pice of shit, the scroll ball stopped working and apple decided it was a good idea to design the mouse to be un openable. They say to rub water on it to clean it, well that works not at all. Seriously fuck that mouse.

Also: Even though commercials are stupid, mac is currently the raining champ in this area. I think the new dual core intel commercials are pretty sweet. But seriously mac commercials are crap, I don't even use iLife aside from iTunes and very rarely iPhoto.
I love how many $1 trackball mice I can find at computer part stores - usually used lightly, if ever, and the really big orb-pods work out even better for working slider-like-things than any 'normal' mouse I've tried.

Plus, the ones with dots on the ball (mouse-herpes? who knows...) are endless fun for small children - spin, stare, stare, spin, stare, spin, spin, stare...

I officially hate the mighty mouse. After 6 months of using it (when I first got it was pretty kickass) I loath it. $50 pice of shit, the scroll ball stopped working and apple decided it was a good idea to design the mouse to be un openable. They say to rub water on it to clean it, well that works not at all. Seriously fuck that mouse.

Also: Even though commercials are stupid, mac is currently the raining champ in this area. I think the new dual core intel commercials are pretty sweet. But seriously mac commercials are crap, I don't even use iLife aside from iTunes and very rarely iPhoto.
mines at 6 months old and still kicking ass.... and you know what else??

still don't get the point about apple and mice...
i can put any mouse i want in the usb port of my mac......doesn't have to be an apple mouce....so where's your point about the "right-click-issue"?
just get any mouse that has a right button....attach it to your machine and "right-click"....