Hi! I'm a mac!

still getting a mac

Because it's prettier. :lol:
Because it's hippier. :lol:
Because it's more expensive. :lol::
Because it gives you "the prestige". :lol:
Because lots of succesful studios use 'em. :lol:
Because Macs can do things that PCs can't do. :lol:

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

ps. Oh and because PC mice have too many buttons (mine has 5 + two scrollwheels) ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
did i say that?
lets not go there.

theres never going to be a winner in this argument;
both sides have their points, and pros and cons but despite not owning one, im still fighting for mac
PC mice have too many buttons (mine has 5 + two scrollwheels) ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
funny, my Mac mouse has 4 buttons and doesn't need 2 scroll wheels since it has a scroll BALL..... that's hot, 360 degree, hands-on-peripheral action baby!

:OMG:.... i have no need for more than this.. in fact i disable button 4, just don't need it as i have a Contour Logic Shuttle Pro V.2
which has 15 buttons and concentric jog & shuttle wheels... and i know my PT keyboard shortcuts.

Missed my 6 winks ?
In my country winking sends a message "i'm kidding, dont take what i say seriously".
in MY country, winking 6 times at another man means you might be looking for some hot, 360 degree, man-on-ma....... j/k!!
That shit was amazing.

Honestly I had no idea that all that shit was apart of vista. :lol:
that dude in the video is awesome... FINALLY someone that gets sarcasm... :headbang:

I didn't think this thread was PC vs. Mac.

I thought it was about how retarded mac commercials are. As a mac user I got to say they really are.
Mac commercials are retarded... so are most Windows and PC commercials... "DUDE, your gettin' a DELL!!"...ALL commercials are stupid, as they ALL try to get the consumer to buy an image, even commercials for cleaning products. this thread had a nasty subtext under the guise of making fun of Mac commercials though....to insinuate that all Mac users are such because they are not very intelligent and are easily led by stupid TV commercials.... and hey, if you are talking about the masses of general purpose users i'm sure there is just such a contigent in the Mac user base.. more than sure of it in fact... but they are dwarfed by the number of less-than-MENSA-qualifying "DUDES!!! usin' DELLs!!!" and other PCs. and not only by sheer volume, but by ratio as well.
Wow Murphy you are a rich man! When I used a MAC mouse it didnt have anything on it, the top half just clicked, no extras :O Was pretty annoying really.


Why is this still going on? lol. Cant we go back to being friends that talk about guitars and shit?! haha :p
funny, my Mac mouse has 4 buttons and doesn't need 2 scroll wheels since it has a scroll BALL..... that's hot, 360 degree, hands-on-peripheral action baby!

But but but...

...it costs 4 times more than my mouse and looks like a soap !

Is it 4 times better ? :heh:


in MY country, winking 6 times at another man means you might be looking for some hot, 360 degree, man-on-ma....... j/k!!

Shit ! :oops: :lol: :ill: :puke:
Then which emoticon should i use in that situation ? :confused:
this thread had a nasty subtext under the guise of making fun of Mac commercials though....to insinuate that all Mac users are such because they are not very intelligent and are easily led by stupid TV commercials....

First i knew about that...

I think someone is taking this a bit seriously and/or is insecure about the logo on their bootup screen.....

You using mac doesn't affect mine or anyone elses lives around here... nor does me using windows matter a shit to anyone here (Except you apparantly).. I don't give a rat's ass what operating system someone uses... It's what they do with it that counts...
I wouldn't attack Macs based on commercials (I drink sodas and eat burgers, if those commercials said anything about all soda and burger users...), but I have to say that I am disappointed that the state of advertising is such that people can actually make ads like... fuck, anything on the telly, really, and actually win consumers over. I don't think for a second that all Mac users, or all Windows users, or all Xbox users, or whatever-the-fuck-else users are doing what they do because of advertising, but when I think about such mind-numbing adverts I die a little inside when I think that they may actually be working. I'd like to think more of people than that, but seeing as on the flip side I also am surrounded by dipshits who are easily led by advertising it's not hard to be cynical and annoyed.

That said, we should all be in agreement with Oz - 5150s make happy.

First i knew about that...

I think someone is taking this a bit seriously and/or is insecure about the logo on their bootup screen.....

You using mac doesn't affect mine or anyone elses lives around here... nor does me using windows matter a shit to anyone here (Except you apparantly).. I don't give a rat's ass what operating system someone uses... It's what they do with it that counts...
lol... man.... ok.. first of all wasn't referring to your original post... i was referring to the turn it took during the replies to it..,, they were not veiled jabs that my poor, insecure Mac-using mind had to put together... they were blatant, shall i quote them? no i trust you know how to use your "back" button.

making a lame statement iike the one you just made just plays into exactly what irritates me about this situation.... you'd rather insinuate that someone is "insecure" or whatever than read what is actually written. more than one responder to this thread openly stated that Mac users are marketing victims and/or are stupid.... and now you are calling Mac users insecure...lol, that's rich.

wasn't talking about your post Gav..... see, i could say that without making a disparaging insinuation about you, why couldn't you respond without making a sideways jab at me?... what is it about the PC/Mac debate that brings out the worst in poeple??

are you all that afraid that a Mac user on this forum might influence a PC user to change over? << if i weren't trying to be magnanimous in this post i might insert cutting remark about exactly who had insecurity issues here.

i don't know how many times i can repeat it before i start sounding like a Mina bird.... my responses were in challenge to the blatant assertions that Mac users are marketing victims. i DO NOT CARE what computer you use, i use the one i want to use. thank you.

"DUDE!!... yer gettin' a DELL!!!"

btw, i paid enough for my current Mac that i could have bought damn near any PC that you might dream up as a DAW platform.... sure, i wish it was cheaper, but i got exactly the computer i wanted
Commercials drive me up the friggin wall!!!
I can't stand them!!!
I hate 'em all!!! Except the metal related ones on headbangers ball which I can't watch anymore because my cable company doesn't offer MTV2 anymore unless I shell out $80 a month.
F That!!! A-holes!!!
95% of the time I turn the tv on there is a commercial. I switch the channel...commercial.
I listen to talk radio, they go to a commercial, I change the channel...commercial. I change that channel....commercial. I change that channel....commercial.
Commercial, commercial, commercial, god damn M F'n commercials!!!

F U !!!

:hotjump: :devil:

Been dying to get that off my chest.

Damn they piss me off.