Hi... 'new' fan :D


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2004
United States

I guess the first Katatonia album I heard was Brave Murder Day,
which featured Mikael Akerfeldt on vocals. I thought it was pretty cools. :err:

I downloaded Viva Emptiness and after a couple listens, I had planned
on buying the album cause I liked it. I haven't seen it in the store yet
though *cries*. :err:

Anyway yeah, i am a fan :kickass:

I wanted to ask how come Katatonia went to clean vocals
instead of having the growl growl ROAR! in the music? Cause
it's always cool to have some groars :worship:
Because they were a little fed up with their old style. They didn't feel like they were going anywhere. Also, Jonas wasn't really able to do the growls anymore, he did it on their first one.
Oh. Much respect for him then <3
I know how it feels to not be able to growl, seeing
as how I haven't been able to growl. ever. :'(

Though I hope they don't start making Stratovarius music,
or a fusion of stratovarius music and death metal... that would
be hilarious... *writes idea in little notebook*
AndICried said:
If I'm correct, he damaged his voice in Rain Without End (the October Tide album)

That sucks. But I downloaded the intro to the website
(which I don't normally do. For any site.)
And I was thinking the music sounded a bit mainstream-ish...
Is their new style going to include mainstreaminess? Does
anybody know? Cause I actually don't remember what the CD
sounded like, only the first track about the Ghost or whatever
it was... x_x (sorry, didnt find the CD to buy yet) :err:

And how can you damage a voice?
I don't get it. The vocal cords pop out and turn into poo?
But then why can he sing clean vocals if they're damaged? :cry:

I guess a voice is like any other part of your body, you can damage it but that doesn't mean it cannot heal, or you might have to use it in a different way then before (reffering to jonas's clean vocal style)

Mainstream-ish? I guess they are more accessible then before but far from the mainstream, this is a very irrelevant topic when talking about Katatonia, they don't really conform to anything they just do their own thing.