Possible to hate Viva Emptiness, and like everything else?

Bereavement said:
...I just think VE's problem is the same with Anathema - A fine day to exit ( also my least fav album from anathema and they fixed everything in A natural disaster which a perfect album)
Now there I have to disagree with you, for me A Natural Disaster is just another step down the ladder.. My least favourite Anathema album for sure.
KittyKatatonia said:
I love everything Katatonia has ever done, and even I think that Viva Emptiness is by far Katatonia's worst album. It's got some good songs, the best being Omerta, but as a whole it's just so lacking in terms of quality. It sounds rushed actually. The majority of the songs just aren't very strong, the lyrics are sometimes out of place even to the point of distracting, and the production is pretty awful too.
see, that's exactly what i think of LFDGD.

VE on the other side is almost perfect in every aspect. the only songs which are a bit flawed are Sleeper, Wealth and One Year From Now. all the other ones are masterpieces. TGCD is brilliant too, but it doesn't reach the unmatched quality of VE, imo.

well, tastes differ, that's normal, but it's really shocking for me, that so many people dislike this great album.
Discouraged+One said:
VIVA its their best album yet, sad people dont see it that eay, it has way more quality that the rest, and in terms of lyrics its the best too, the best rythms and the most heavy one to date.....TGCD its no their best....its 3 or even 4 in my top 5 from kata.
I dislike how you state your opinion as if it's the absolute truth... To each his own...
I like Viva Emptiness all right, Ghost of the Sun and Evidence are fantastic, but I think it's a bit too dark, cold and apocalyptic, and lacks the emotion of LFDGD and (some songs) on TGCD. Kinda like.. LFDGD was warm sepia, and VE is gray. I think the artwork represents the albums quite well.
MadTinus said:
Now there I have to disagree with you, for me A Natural Disaster is just another step down the ladder.. My least favourite Anathema album for sure.

Yeah, Anathema just aren't the band I used to love. They had a string of classics: The Silent Enigma, Eternity, Alternative 4, and Judgement. Sadly they've been going downhill every since. They're just not the same band anymore unfortunately.
KittyKatatonia said:
Yeah, Anathema just aren't the band I used to love. They had a string of classics: The Silent Enigma, Eternity, Alternative 4, and Judgement. Sadly they've been going downhill every since. They're just not the same band anymore unfortunately.
I really like A Fine Day To Exit from time to time, but A Natural Disaster simply fails to hit me entirely.. Surely A4 and Judgement were Anathema's finest moments.
Cerulean said:
In terms of structure and songwriting, smartass :cool:
Seriously, that's exactly where I think the last 2 Anathema albums lack, on the albums before that there were songs with a clear head and tail, but on the last 2 albums there's no structure in the songs, it's mere soundscapes that come fading in and at one random point simply fade out again... It's too 'vague', I prefer more clear structure.
Hmm yeah I perfectly understand what you mean... But it's exactly this 'soundscape' feeling that I like. Which makes it a personal opinion after all ;)

Anyway, I only like a few songs of those albums though. I don't consider them masterpeaces like Alt4, Eternity, Pentecost, Silent Enigma and even Serenades.
I dislike everyone else's opinions for they're not all the same as mine... fuck that. just listen to what you like and thats that!!

I'm too beginning to hate this kind of threads...
i aint play this said:
No love for judgement? that one is a perfect album!
Judgement is my least favourite Anathema album. Smells of artificial cheese all the way. It's their most fake album. It's mainly the fault of Dave Pybus, that motherfucker wrote songs like Anyone Anywhere, fakes his emotions, acted like he was way down, but he admitted later in an interview it wasn't real at all.
The other Anathema albums are at least pure, regardless of whether you like em or not.
And some of those lyrics + melodies... "feel my heart burning, deep inside, yearning", it's terrible... imho.

Give me Duncan's stuff any day.
Cerulean said:
Judgement is my least favourite Anathema album. Smells of artificial cheese all the way. It's their most fake album. It's mainly the fault of Dave Pybus, that motherfucker wrote songs like Anyone Anywhere, fakes his emotions, acted like he was way down, but he admitted later in an interview it wasn't real at all.
The other Anathema albums are at least pure, regardless of whether you like em or not.
And some of those lyrics + melodies... "feel my heart burning, deep inside, yearning", it's terrible... imho.

Give me Duncan's stuff any day.
Weren't you guys talking about Katatonia?
*gets confused*

:goggly: :goggly:
Cerulean said:
Judgement is my least favourite Anathema album. Smells of artificial cheese all the way. It's their most fake album. It's mainly the fault of Dave Pybus, that motherfucker wrote songs like Anyone Anywhere, fakes his emotions, acted like he was way down, but he admitted later in an interview it wasn't real at all.
The other Anathema albums are at least pure, regardless of whether you like em or not.
And some of those lyrics + melodies... "feel my heart burning, deep inside, yearning", it's terrible... imho.

Give me Duncan's stuff any day.

Jesus Christ, are you serious? if he said that than he is a really fake asshole!! you know the music itself doesn't sound fake at all...now that you said that i got really pissed off...it is just anti-ethic, it is like deceiving the fans. But even knowing that, i love most of the songs on that album...btw where did you read the interview?
I haven't read the interview myself, but this is something that has been discussed often at the Anathema forum.
Also, Dave Pybus has prevented for some time that Duncan Patterson received money, while Duncan (and Danny) had actually been the main songwriter for many albums.
Believe me, Pybus is a massive cunt.