Possible to hate Viva Emptiness, and like everything else?

VE too cold, too dark, too 'thin', too complicated, too abstract in terms of lyrics....so....we could say VE is at least....'radical'. That's why the concept of 'taste' shouldn't be forgotten.
For some some lyrics stand out of place, some do not sound coherent..for me that's one of the aspects which make this album much more interesting, intelligent and serious than lfdgd (is there something more fucking emo than '..hear myself say it can't get worse or 'who could promise to never destroy me'....I love those songs anyway).
For some the production is weak and the sound of the snare annoying, for me it makes the album violent, fresh and natural. For some tgcd is a step forward from ve and a fixed version of the previous one....for me it represents a murder of the sincerity and lack of complex which ve represents....jonas seems tamed....just listen to "I think about what you told me.." and the brutal way in which the band follows from behind....a symbol of the brilliance of the instinct....
The variety of moods, the estructure of the songs, the way they are distributed, renkse's singing, guitar work, drumming (sleeper is....incredible) make ve just unique. Tgcd is almost perfect for me too, but it seems tamed, toolized, opethized, ashamed of the great change they made with ve....it's just so original (every riff except a part from wealth which is similar to a part from Deliverance [opeth] sound so new and impossible to compare to anything....which makes every listen a chance to discover something new)
sorry for the mediocrity of my post....just a reflection of the mediocrity of my english
Well, what can i say...to label some of lfdgd's lyrics ''emo'' is an absurd...those lyrics are reflecting sel-doubt/discouragement, they are like an open diary and are great...that is what i think.
i aint play this said:
Well, what can i say...to label some of lfdgd's lyrics ''emo'' is an absurd...those lyrics are reflecting sel-doubt/discouragement, they are like an open diary and are great...that is what i think.

I thought "emo" lyrics were nothing but open diaries of emokids..ok, I may not understand the same thing when talking about "emo", I just thought 'who could promise to never destroy me' was so ..'adolescent', victimist, so 'emo' .....anyway, actually tonight's music is my lfdgd favourite....peace
OK...stop with the EMO shit. Katatonia have nothing to do with that stupid genre. Katatonia have more to do with Sludge.Blackened.Gore.Core than Emo...SO WISE UP MAN!!! NO FUNNY STUFF!!!
LifeDepraved said:
OK...stop with the EMO shit. Katatonia have nothing to do with that stupid genre. Katatonia have more to do with Sludge.Blackened.Gore.Core than Emo...SO WISE UP MAN!!! NO FUNNY STUFF!!!

I was just talking about lyrics....but....ok, I'll wise up, sorry, dindn't mean to offend anyone..
summerghost said:
I thought "emo" lyrics were nothing but open diaries of emokids..ok, I may not understand the same thing when talking about "emo", I just thought 'who could promise to never destroy me' was so ..'adolescent', victimist, so 'emo' .....anyway, actually tonight's music is my lfdgd favourite....peace

Well, it happens that Jonas is not an ''emo kid'', and lfgd's lyrics are serious...it is not about some stupid prick killing himself cause his dad hit him with a rake or that cliche bullshit...katatonia's lyrics are MATURE reflections, they are even nihilistic sometimes, and the most important thing: they are TIMELESS, truly emotional and beautiful, sorry for my fanboiness, but i love this band too much...
i aint play this said:
Well, it happens that Jonas is not an ''emo kid'', and lfgd's lyrics are serious...it is not about some stupid prick killing himself cause his dad hit him with a rake or that cliche bullshit...katatonia's lyrics are MATURE reflections, they are even nihilistic sometimes, and the most important thing: they are TIMELESS, truly emotional and beautiful, sorry for my fanboiness, but i love this band too much...

actually yours is the first argumented post against my argument.... 'the future of speech' is nihilistic and cruelly true, I love it....I just exaggerated some details (passing bird seems a battle to say who is more really sad and who is true and who not) to express my preference for VE more subtle lyrics....in which I feel there are more mature reflections.....but I agree with you indeed, Jonas doesn't seem an emo fool, and doesn't leave place for cliches....well, Katatonia is my favourite band for some reason...
summerghost said:
actually yours is the first argumented post against my argument.... 'the future of speech' is nihilistic and cruelly true, I love it....I just exaggerated some details (passing bird seems a battle to say who is more really sad and who is true and who not) to express my preference for VE more subtle lyrics....in which I feel there are more mature reflections.....but I agree with you indeed, Jonas doesn't seem an emo fool, and doesn't leave place for cliches....well, Katatonia is my favourite band for some reason...

Nice to know :)
LifeDepraved said:
Oh...I was joking. I like to "kid" around. I hope we can still be friends?!<3

:Smug: ok..I see I'm looking like a fool here..I suppose I find very difficult to say what I want to say in english..sorry
I pretty much like everything about Viva Emptiness, even the production and sound of the album that seems to bother many people who wrote on this thread. I'd be even so bold to claim it sounds much better than TGCD.

VE was also the first Kata album that I heard, so that makes it special to me as well.

And if you some of you haven't heard it yet, then I encourage you to get it from somewhere and give it a listen. It's not like there's anything to lose by listening to it.
VE got me into katatonia so as said above i have a special place for it, but they've done much better.
But Evidence & Ghost Of The Sun are still two of my favourite Katatonia tracks, Criminals would be too if I hadnt ruined it by listening too much :(

I first heard katatonia on brave murder day, and then they never played like that again, and that sound has a cult status here there and everywhere, then DO and tonight's decision had the same vibe, just different production, then LFDGD was a progression from the latter two, and then another one on VE and TGCD, it's not only about falling in love, im sure you've heard all those different stages and still love them... it is also a matter of taste.. aaaah tastes....

o' this is what really makes message boards interesting... how people relate to things, it is always about personal experience and opinions... me loves that!