Hi. New person here

Ultima Ibanez Overlord

-=The Dude Abides=-
Mar 17, 2002
999 letsby avenue

I'm doing as the IMG website says and introducing myself here.
I guess I'd best say a little about myself and the kinds of projects I'd be interested in.

I'm an electric guitar player, I've played for 13 years and consider myself to be pretty ok. I play in a prog metal band and do fusion stuff with the keyboard player in the band seperately.

I started a thread in the UM Musician's Discussion forum which was setting up something like what the IMG site pupports to.
I uploaded a short, slightly fusion/progressive rock backing track to my mp3.com page and asked people to download it and add what they liked to it.
It's only just now available, so I'm waiting for those who responded to take up the idea.
A link to the IMG site was suggested there, and here I am!

I'd be very interested in taking part in similar projects, especially with other real instruments (I have to do all the drums, bass and keyboards within Reason's Virtual Studio package, which is time consuming, tiresome, and very synthetic sounding).

So, if there are any prog rock/metal, fusion projects or pretty much anything that's got an interesting bent to it, I'd be very keen and willing to get involved in them.

If you want to hear some of my stuff before inviting me to join a project, there's a short mp3 file on my mp3.com page with a solo and some rhythm guitar called "Fire". The link is in my quote below.


Shit. I didn't realise it's nearly all covers [and of Iron Maiden, too :bah:]. Is there no interest in working on originals?
If not, do people fancy tackling things that are a little more adventurous, like Symphony X, Dream Theater, Planet X or stuff like this?
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Shit. I didn't realise it's nearly all covers [and of Iron Maiden, too :bah:]. Is there no interest in working on originals?
If not, do people fancy tackling things that are a little more adventurous, like Symphony X, Dream Theater, Planet X or stuff like this?

I take it you aren't a Maiden fan then?

Welcome anyway.

Sure... someday the IMG might tackle a complete symphony but being that our string section would consist only of instruments of the electric variety it might sound a little funny. :lol:
Well allo and welcome to the fold!

I'm sure up for doing some original trax! I've been wanting to get into writing some for a while but haven't had the time until now. Jus to let you know, I'm an able bodied guitarist, self taught and I've been playin for about 3 yrs now and I'm about grade 8 standard.

If you wanna do some symphony based stuff let me know, cos I used to play the violin, chello, and a load of other stringed stuff :P

Anyway, It'd be cool to start putting some stuff together - I do a bit of vocal work too so give me a PM or e-mail (KitEngland191@hotmail.com) and we'll sort somthing out

Again welcome to the fold and I hope to hear something from you soon
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Shit. I didn't realise it's nearly all covers [and of Iron Maiden, too :bah:]. Is there no interest in working on originals?
If not, do people fancy tackling things that are a little more adventurous, like Symphony X, Dream Theater, Planet X or stuff like this?

Hello and welcome Lee! :)

There are few original songs in the IMG repertoire and new songs are always welcome. The reason for the amount of Maiden covers is probably because this whole thing got started on the Maiden bb. BUT, don't let that fool you to think that IMG is Maiden only. If that was true, I think this whole thing would have died already....

I think there are quite a few of us that would be more than willing to take part in some projects different from Maiden. I myself would take part in some deathish tune more than gladly, too bad that I seem to be the only one... :lol:

Anyway, I'll let Eddie's Cellmate do the actual talking here, at least he knows what he's talking about! :lol:
Hey Lee!
Welcome to the IMG board, glad to see you followed my advice! :)
Yeah, so far it's mostly Maiden-covers, but I know people have been talking about doing other stuff for quite some time now. So it probably won't be impossible to do some other stuff :)
Yeah, thanks Nefilim. I thought I'd see what this is about.

Just to clear up, when I mentioned Symphony X, I wasn't saying people should start work on an orchestral piece. Symphony X is a band, consisting of standard rock instruments (guitar, bass, drums and keyboards).
And no, I don't like Maiden. Have I just made myself a social outcast? :lol:

I noticed there's a slight Metallica interest here, too. I'd be very willing to tackle one of their tunes.
I'm not sure how people get things going. But what about if I suggest doing a cover version of, say, Orion, with me handling guitars. Would someone put themselves forward for working on drums and bass?

And thanks for the welcome, guys!

EDIT: Oh crap! I just noticed in another thread that Metallica's Orion has been covered.
Ok, I'll suggest another (although I can do any Metallica song, and if I can get notation for any song you guys suggest, I will be able to play almost anything).
Would anyone be interested in covering 'Through The Never'? Or how about The Shortest Straw? Yeah!! Shortest Straw absolutely RAWKS.

Anyhow, I'm pretty much up for anything, so suggest a song to me, and I'll try my best to get involved in it.
I am very keen to try something like this out.


first..nice BB nick...wish I had thought of that first....and nice guitar (if that is your guit on your mp3.com page). I play an Ibanez as well..but can only afford a RG570...which I've had since the late 80s.

2nd..saying you don't like maiden won't make you a complete social outcast...it certainly does not help. :p As has been said, Maiden covers are our forte because its a common thread in the group..as this started on a Maiden BB. Also, Maiden tunes are right on that fine line between too easy and too hard. I personally would love to do Dream Theater songs...but pretty much don't have chops to play Petrucci's solos. Maiden songs are easy enough to learn in a day or so...yet the solo's remain challenging enough to warrent several takes (or several days of takes for me in some cases). :( Also, Maiden is big on two (now three) guitars..and we have more guitarists here than anything else...so it lends itself nicely.

...anyway..you hit us an awkward time. We have no live drummer who regularly visits..which has curbed our output tremendously. The latest thing in the works is using a digital drum set....and doing metallica tunes (as you noted). My vote for a Metallica tune would be Master of puppets....but I need to learn how to use sonar (or some other drum program) before I can contribute drum tracks. If you need another guitar player on shortest straw or something else, let me know.

..lastly..nice chops displayed on your mp3.com tunes. I'll try to keep up. :grin:
Originally posted by Eddy

Anyway, I'll let Eddie's Cellmate do the actual talking here, at least he knows what he's talking about! :lol:

You are far too kind Eddy! :lol:

Anyway, welcome Lee!

Rabies pretty much covered it as far as where we're at right now. We were rolling along pretty well and actually beginning to discuss some ideas for writing and branching out into other material, but then our main drummer went on hiatus. We're still hoping that he might find the time to return, but we need to use whatever drum tracks we can in the meantime, or find another drummer(s) to work with.

It's an odd coincidence that you mentioned Dream Theater, because I just went looking for midi tracks for them the other day. I was thinking about trying 'Surrounded'. Maybe something else if I can find a midi with good enough tracks (especially drums).

'Through the Never' rocks. I'd love to do that one. :rock: 'Misery' would be pretty cool too, and I think Medsy was interested in doing that one too. :)

Anyway, I think you'll find everyone eager enough to do at least some of the things you're interested in. Think about what you'd like to do first (some of your own stuff would be cool too) and float the idea here. We'll just have to do what we can about the drum tracks for now.

Anyway, welcome again and glad you're interested. :)
I can't get your Mp3 page to load right now, I'll try it again later. :)

BTW - I'm an Ibanez man myself. I've been playing SoundGear basses since they came out (I've got one of the first-year prototypes) and I love 'em. I've been thinking about a new bass this year and I've narrowed it down to either an American Precision, a Geddy Lee Jazz, or a new SoundGear. I think the new Soundgear's in the lead right now. :rock:
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Yeah, thanks Nefilim. I thought I'd see what this is about.

Just to clear up, when I mentioned Symphony X, I wasn't saying people should start work on an orchestral piece. Symphony X is a band, consisting of standard rock instruments (guitar, bass, drums and keyboards).
And no, I don't like Maiden. Have I just made myself a social outcast? :lol:

I noticed there's a slight Metallica interest here, too. I'd be very willing to tackle one of their tunes.
I'm not sure how people get things going. But what about if I suggest doing a cover version of, say, Orion, with me handling guitars. Would someone put themselves forward for working on drums and bass?

And thanks for the welcome, guys!

EDIT: Oh crap! I just noticed in another thread that Metallica's Orion has been covered.
Ok, I'll suggest another (although I can do any Metallica song, and if I can get notation for any song you guys suggest, I will be able to play almost anything).
Would anyone be interested in covering 'Through The Never'? Or how about The Shortest Straw? Yeah!! Shortest Straw absolutely RAWKS.

Anyhow, I'm pretty much up for anything, so suggest a song to me, and I'll try my best to get involved in it.
I am very keen to try something like this out.


Dude I was making a joke when I mentioned us recording a symphony. It was in response to your "more adventurous" comment. It doesn't bother me at all if you don't like Maiden. It's all personal preference but I admire the work that everyone has put in recording those Maiden songs. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and pure criticism. Hence my comment to you.
Anyway, the whole idea is to have fun and you are still welcome regardless of your dislike of Maiden. :cool:
@Rabies: Nah, it's not my guitar. I have a RG570, too. The picture of the guitar on my mp3.com page is the one I almost got, but was short of money by about 50 pounds :mad:

@Mr Hyde: Sorry, I must look a dick for not getting the joke :lol:

Glad to see so many Ibanez owners! Eddie's Cellmate, go for the 'nez SG :cool:

Ok, well, since there's no drummer available at the moment, I would happily create some drum tracks in Reason.

Right, well, I suppose I should add a little more direction to this and suggest covering Through The Never (The Shortest Straw will be more difficult to program, so we could do that after TTN). I'll set to work on drum tracks for it. I can create some pretty good sounding stuff with Reason, especially if it's a cover tune, 'cause I'll have the original to guide me.
Just need people to put themselves forward for rhythm guitar, bass and vocal duties.

Is anyone interested?

I'm down for a rhythm guitar part. Warning...I'll have to learn it. Listening to it now..does not sound too hard...would appreciate tab if you have it to speed the process up.

...and if nobody better steps up for vocals..I will begrudgingly provide that as well..though I sound nothing like Hetfield.

I'd suggest starting a new thread specifically for this project.
Ok, cool. I will do that now. Great to know you can handle the vocals at a push, Rabies.
It's a very easy song with only a few riffs and no particular progression to follow. It's just palm-mute heavy.
Ok, one new thread coming up.
