Nah, all these threads can be created in less than 5 minutes.
At first, I was tempted to think that this was Viv. But these posts aren't nearly intelligent enough (Say what you will about Viv, he always made me laugh out loud with his dry humor. But this guy is just plain annoying).

Mr. S, can we please get out the bug spray and get rid of this little pest?
Samsara is not here now, wait for him to come and get rid of him :)
At first, I was tempted to think that this was Viv. But these posts aren't nearly intelligent enough (Say what you will about Viv, he always made me laugh out loud with his dry humor. But this guy is just plain annoying).

Mr. S, can we please get out the bug spray and get rid of this little pest?

i agree, viv could be an ass sometimes but he had his moments of hilarity

this guy is terrible
Hello. Sorry, but I've been really busy at work and this is my first visit to the board today. I have dealt with the problem. Your culprit is Philno and he has been perminantly banned. Again, my apology for the mess today.
Hello. Sorry, but I've been really busy at work and this is my first visit to the board today. I have dealt with the problem. Your culprit is Philno and he has been perminantly banned. Again, my apology for the mess today.

samsara, you "perminantly" banned me last night, not for this awful string of trolling posts, probably for another incident (i don't really know or care). regardless of your reasons, it's cool, i left this place because it sucks. i would never of broken my promise to not post on this piece of shit forum had you not made this gem of a post. it's one thing to ban me if i deserve it, but it's another thing to ban some random troll and then put the blame on me. nice job permabanning me btw.

fuck off,
You are a liar, and you know it.

I banned you yesterday for 6 months for your PPN antics. You came back today as "AllTheTears" screaming for attention (in the form of 27 spam threads) which I gave you in the form of a perma-ban tonight.... A ban which you almost instantly noticed since you were busy reveling in your infantile spam-fest and awaiting my arrival to the board to clean up your mess and handle my business. All so you could make another run-of-the mill “Farewell and fuck off” post that all annoying little trolls make when they are shown the door. So, although I know I gave you what you wanted in the form of this response… at least the rest of the community knows the truth behind your pathetic, last gasp.