Hi to Matt ...from Australia !


Dec 20, 2004
I just thought i'd write to say a little hello to Matt....from down at the bottom of Australia in a city called Adelaide. I've been meaning to come here since the forum started but never got around to it...as i'm often at other forums such as Tourniquet's forum and christian metal realm, and also i've been too lazy to... :)

I just want to let you know Matt that your debut is absolutely fantastic..... I only got it at the start of this year...Never heard of it until a friend put me onto it in late 2003. I love the overall sound of the cd, the lyrics and the very obvious anointing i hear in all the songs. Great stuff. I can't wait til a second cd comes out ( hopefully in 2005??). Power metal is probably my favourite style of metal followed closely by thrash metal....Some of my favourite artists include Rob Rock, Narnia, Jacobs Dream, Tourniquet, Balance of Power, Neal Morse, Dream Theater, Symphony X , Avantasisa, Fear Factory, Pink Floyd,Celldweller amongst many others.. I also love some old power metal artists such as Sacred Warrior who are close to my favourite band ever.
When i heard your cd, Matt i notice some similarities to albums by artists such as Avantasia, Edguy, Symphony X, Dream Theater etc.... I love the influences you have.....great albums. Avantasia's song 'Reach out for the light' is one of my favourite songs ever !

I noticed in an interview with you sometime ago that you are influenced by some soundtrack music...I like that..Cool stuff ! and how you incorporate some of that influence in your music. i'm into some soundtrak music by artists such as Vangelis eg 1492, Blade Runner, and i'm getting his new one soon - Alexander. I've also liked stuff such as Gladiator, some James Horner, and Alan Silvestri especially - The Abyss, Predator amongts others... I have a friend who is a soundtrack freak for many years. I've discovered lots of stuff through him.
Anyway...i just thought i'd write this to let you know that you music is loved by people as far away as the bottom of Oz...
I recently included some of the lyrics off your cd in my blog which can be seen in my signature section...have a look if you want....and i've listed you in my music pages of my website (also in signature section)
By the way i recently downloaded your 'little drummer boy' song....loved it ...i don't usually like christmas songs much....yours and an old one by Whiteheart ( also a version of little drummer boy) are only a couple i like... the Whiteheart version is my favourite christmas song ever....great arena rock!
and i loved your Neal More review for One at his message board...I love that cd....I need to get the special edition as well sometime.

PS -All the best for the future of Theocracy...and Again - i can't wait til you have a second cd out ! :Spin:
Well thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it! I've heard that Australia's a great place; I know that Edguy really enjoyed touring there. Keep up the support...we'll have a new album out for you in 2005, Lord willing.

Thanks again,
Thanks for replying Matt....
Yeah..I would have loved to have seen Edguy when they came out here to Australia....but they didn't come near my city...nearest was about 500 miles away and i couldn't afford to go anyway.

And i look foward very much to your next cd!! :headbang:

I remember reading in another thread that you wrote a song called 'Absolution Day' that you were happy about....It does sound like a good title to a cd as well!
You know, I thought about that as well. But then I remembered that Evergrey recently released "Recreation Day" and thought that "Absolution Day" might be a little too close to that. Plus I'm writing a big epic title track now. Of course, I don't have a title for it yet, which is kind of scary... :err:

Writing is still going well. I have to tell you guys, I am just so excited about this next album. The more the songs are coming together, the more I really feel like we have something very special on our hands. I certainly don't want to talk things up too much and build a lot of unrealistic expectations, and who knows, we could very easily completely screw it up somehow. But Lord willing, I think we are going to have a very strong album. I can't wait to start recording it and for you guys to hear it!
I wanted to say Hi too, but I'm only from Germany and I guess that's not far enough to open a new thread...
As my Australian predecessor I love your music. Rock on! I'm glad that you have Seth and Shawn now and I can't wait for the new CD.