- Jan 10, 2005
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Hi Matt !
I´m from Brazil! i´m now listen theocracy musics writing this
, i listened to your musics in mp3, my cousin have found on the internet and show to me...
i simple love it! cause i used to listen metal bands like hammerfall, blind guardian, stratovarius, edguy, rhapsody, helloween, virgin steele, angra, the avantasia project too and some others... and progressive like Dream Theater... symphony x...
but when i became Christian... i´m stopping to listen this guys...
and looking for a Christian band that make this kind of sound... i have listen, narnia, stryper, rob rock, jacob´s dream, oratorio and some others... but when i listen theocracy i find what i´m looking for!
i don´t know if this can be cool to hear but... i think you are the tobias sammet of the Christian metal
, you play and sing this cd alone i cannot understand that this yet hahahaha the vocals was great!!
the only thing that make me sad it´s cause i can´t find your cd here in Brazil to buy
to support you!
and when i saw your interview in the metal perspective! i´m very happy when you said! " You are correct. But really, not to be cheesy, but who could be more of a hero than Jesus himself?"
and " Yup, Theocracy will always be a Christian band"
The great thing is that you are my brother in Christ too
Sorry if i´m telling much about you but... i was trying to find something like this in the Christian metal for sometime... and i thank God cause i find it!!
it was one of my dreams play in a band like that... so i´m learning keyboard now... but i don´t know what the Lord want from me yet... im searching for His Will to my life...
sorry again to boring you with that...
i wish to you all the blesses of our Lord! and keep the good work! maybe we can see a project like avatansia in the Christian metal music!
and try to send your album to Brazil i want to buy it!
one more thing!
i´ve found the musics in mp3 but i can´t find the lyrics on the net to understand better the musics...
can you send to me this? or someone here in the forum please!
cause don´t have the cd here yet
my mail is rafael_heaven@hotmail.com
thanks a lot! and its great to see that you visit the forum always
the Peace and Grace of the Lord to you! and i wish that the Lord always guide you! the Lord be with you!
Your Brother in Christ Rafael
(sorry about my english is not good
I´m from Brazil! i´m now listen theocracy musics writing this

i simple love it! cause i used to listen metal bands like hammerfall, blind guardian, stratovarius, edguy, rhapsody, helloween, virgin steele, angra, the avantasia project too and some others... and progressive like Dream Theater... symphony x...
but when i became Christian... i´m stopping to listen this guys...
and looking for a Christian band that make this kind of sound... i have listen, narnia, stryper, rob rock, jacob´s dream, oratorio and some others... but when i listen theocracy i find what i´m looking for!
i don´t know if this can be cool to hear but... i think you are the tobias sammet of the Christian metal

the only thing that make me sad it´s cause i can´t find your cd here in Brazil to buy

and when i saw your interview in the metal perspective! i´m very happy when you said! " You are correct. But really, not to be cheesy, but who could be more of a hero than Jesus himself?"
and " Yup, Theocracy will always be a Christian band"

The great thing is that you are my brother in Christ too

Sorry if i´m telling much about you but... i was trying to find something like this in the Christian metal for sometime... and i thank God cause i find it!!
it was one of my dreams play in a band like that... so i´m learning keyboard now... but i don´t know what the Lord want from me yet... im searching for His Will to my life...
sorry again to boring you with that...
i wish to you all the blesses of our Lord! and keep the good work! maybe we can see a project like avatansia in the Christian metal music!
and try to send your album to Brazil i want to buy it!

one more thing!
i´ve found the musics in mp3 but i can´t find the lyrics on the net to understand better the musics...
can you send to me this? or someone here in the forum please!
cause don´t have the cd here yet

my mail is rafael_heaven@hotmail.com
thanks a lot! and its great to see that you visit the forum always

the Peace and Grace of the Lord to you! and i wish that the Lord always guide you! the Lord be with you!
Your Brother in Christ Rafael
(sorry about my english is not good