Hi to you all and I wanna do Two Mins to Midnight!


Proud new IMG Guitarist
Jun 24, 2002
Norwich, UK
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Hey everyone! :)

I'm new to the forum and would like to start by telling you all a little bit about myself. My names Kit, I live in the UK and I've played guitar for 2 years.

I'm only on a 56k Modem so I dunno how big the files you send about are, just warning you tho! Anyways, after having a quick look through the song list and the forum I see no-one is doing two minutes to Midnight! I think it's an ace song and was wondering if anyone else'd like to do it? I have experience in N-Track and Cool Edit Pro, so I don't need help there :D

Only problem is finding out who plays what parts so if you're interested sign up and we'll try and sort it out :D


Welcome Kit! :)

Where about's in England are you? I'm guessing from the nick name somewhere in Yorkshire? ;)

The files we use are just MP3's so about 5Mb at the most...

Hope you enjoy yourself with the I.M.G.! :)
Thanks for the warm welcome peeps :) To clarify Virus, I'm in Norfolk, hence the farmers nickname ;). So does anyone wanna sign up to do 2 minutes 2 Midnight? Let me know if you do. I'd do one of the parts.


Here is to hoping that one of our drummers (or perhaps a new one) will come back to our corner of the world and grace us with a drum track for this.