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uummmmmm...... wtf?

short answer, yes

long answer, youre a fuckhead for formating your post like that. but yes

praise jebus?
Those guitars would look really cool​
if they were to​
change the headstock
to maybe the Jackson headstock or the Schecter headstock​
and also they don't look very cool​
when they're not being played.​
EDIT:Hey, this post looks fucking awesome. I should use this formatting all the time...
I have a Dean ML Dime-O-Flame... Biggest piece of shit ever, after about 2 months it developed serious fret buzz issues so I got it grinded and recently the floyd fell apart so I'm pretty much left with a non-shredable chunk of wood.
i know that guitar looks good, but you can actually get a guitar that is built well, and equally as nice for 1250. just my opinion.
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