Hi.. !


Feb 22, 2003
Sweden, gothenburg
Im new here, this seemed at first like a good forum. But now i thinks it´s pathetic. I mean, in the "Non-Metal" section, you throw dirt on Slipknot. You hate slipknot, but that dont change the fact that it is metal! It is metal wether you want it or not, you can say how much you want about them, but that wont change shit.

Music i like:

¤ Slipknot
¤ Amon Amarth
¤ Thyrfing
¤ The Kovenant
¤ Misfits
¤ The Kristet Utseende
¤ Dark Funeral
¤ Hatebreed

Well i hope my attitude about UM will change.
Please clarify your usage of the word "you". There are over 13,000 users on here, I'm sure not every single one of them was slagging Slipknot off.
Originally posted by Rusty
Please clarify your usage of the word "you". There are over 13,000 users on here
So you mean that all 13,000 users are active? I mean the users in the first thread i read.

Originally posted by Rusty
I'm sure not every single one of them was slagging Slipknot off
Not all 13.000 users, no. But all exept me and another guy.
Well technically speaking if you're talking about this thread http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75524 the argument is whther slipknot are nu-metal or not ;)

If you want the "are slipknot metal" debates they're on the GMD, and there have been many, and I feel the views expressed by the majority of the members may surprise you :)

You judge the entire UM population far to quickly on the basis of the comments of seven members on a single thread..

Agressive newbie.

It's a MUSIC DISCUSSION FORUM, you talk about the music, idiot.

Oh and hi ;)
Originally posted by Judas
Listen! You don´t get it! I don´t like to talk about bands who are metal or not. Just listen to your music, and stay the fuck of other peoples buisness.

No, I get it, I just think it's pathetic and driven by your own insecurities. A great number of the views held by many UM members irritate me, and I completely disagree with, that doesn't prevent me getting on with the people, respecting their right to hold their own opinions, and in some cases have civilised debate about them.

If you don't feel secure enough in your own opinions to enter such a discussion, then you could just ignore the posts rather than basing your judgement of the entire UM community on a few members you disagree with.

If you didn't come here to have such debates, or to talk about music why exactly are you here? The only reason I can see is to childishly provoke and be antagonistic. If this is indeed the case, grow up and get over it, and if it's not stop behaving like an insecure spoilt child, it won't do you any favours here or anywhere else..

My apologies for being patronising if you are infact 35. If this is the case, act your age ;)
Oh and
Originally posted by Russell
No, I get it, I just think it's pathetic and driven by your own insecurities. A great number of the views held by many UM members irritate me, and I completely disagree with, that doesn't prevent me getting on with the people, respecting their right to hold their own opinions, and in some cases have civilised debate about them.

If you don't feel secure enough in your own opinions to enter such a discussion, then you could just ignore the posts rather than basing your judgement of the entire UM community on a few members you disagree with.

If you didn't come here to have such debates, or to talk about music why exactly are you here? The only reason I can see is to childishly provoke and be antagonistic. If this is indeed the case, grow up and get over it, and if it's not stop behaving like an insecure spoilt child, it won't do you any favours here or anywhere else..

My apologies for being patronising if you are infact 35. If this is the case, act your age ;)

I must say that, i agree with you. After some more hours in UM, i think it´s better. I just got so mad after the 2 first threads i read, in them there was so much kids talk, all people said practicly the same thing with different words all the time throught the thread.

Well, im sorry for all that ive said, maybe i meant it when i wrote it, i dont remember, cause i was so fucking mad. Well, i dont mean it right now.

Hope you give me a second chance :)

And forgive me if i spell wrong, ive never been in a english forum before.