Hibria, anyone check them out yet?


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Hibria, anyone check them out yet? They reminded me of a cross between Lost Horizon, Gamma Ray and Helloween. The sticker on the front of the Cd says "for fans of Iced Earth, Hammerfall, Manowar, Maiden & Helloween". I could say that's fairly accurate. Great musicianship and vocals. I think www.hibria.com has some sound clips. Magick Records is releasing this in the USA (that's who I got the promo from).
I heard some of their songs. Its killer! Very good singer. Did you know the album "Defying The Rules" was already released in 2004?
One of the most awesome singers I've heard.
Totally sounding like Heiman (ex-Lost Horizon) and would fill his shoes perfectly, but has his own very good band.
The only thing I hate about that album is Sielck's horrible and always-the-same sound he produces. You could listen to a thousand albums produced by him and they would all sound the same...
I didn't realize it came out in 2004. I guess it is finally coming out here via Magick. Magick is actually releasing quite a few eyebrow raising titles soon including the latest Firewind and Dragonland.
MetalAges said:
I didn't realize it came out in 2004. I guess it is finally coming out here via Magick. Magick is actually releasing quite a few eyebrow raising titles soon including the latest Firewind and Dragonland.

I have not heard Dragonland but the latest Firewind is excellent!! Their new singer Chity Somapala is very good, not that the old one was bad btw, and I really like what they have done on "Forged By Fire".

I would love to see them live.
MetalAges said:
In case you haven't heard Chity's other stuff (you are a Metal guru I am sure you have!), definitely check him out on http://www.somapala.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=4nAlbum&file=index&do=showgall&gid=7

Well l get my old ass kicked around a lot here. Thats good though, it keeps me from becoming big headed. Now I just have to keep to my diet so my head in the real world does not get to big o_O

Yea, I have been on his website and heard the samples. I did not always like the bands that he fronted that much, but the man's qualities are above reproach. At least for me.