HiFi Speakers

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I wanna learn again to "like" listening to music.
one of the biggest downside of this job is that you tend to forget that here was a time when you could actually enjoy listening to music without analysing everything....
I wanna learn that again, so I thought I'd build a HiFi room for that purpose.
so right now I'm looking for speakers, I don't wanna pay too much (perhaps 800-1000 used for the pair), they should sound clear and analytical (can't ignore my profession entirely ;) ) but still "good"...
back when I still listened to music I liked the Heco Mythos 700 for that purpose, they seem to be discontinued now, but I thought there are perhaps other or even better speakers for that purpose in today's hifi world?

recommend me some shit
B&W, Dali, Dynaudio and Focal are on my top list. they have good speakers in most classes. i think speakers are taste and needs. but if i had to go out for new hifi speakers today i would get B&W. no question there. http://www.bowers-wilkins.eu/

get some 600 series, they are bang for the buck! though people will allways say they like something better, so this is purely my opinion.
Not sure what they go for 2nd hand, but i would look out for a pair of Magnepan MG3.6 speakers - gorgeous. Need some space though. Or even their little brother the MG 1.7 or the cheaper MMG.
What is the point of Hifi speakers?

I understand that ns10s would be nasty for casual listening due to the mother of all horrible frequency responses, but a good pair of more flat sounding studio monitors would surely do the job of casual listening just fine...
For new speakers nubert´s are the bang for the buck. SEAS drivers, well build crossover and sounds almost like monitors to me. K+H 0110 finnally beaten my NuWave35.
Well nothing wrong with B&W, Dynaudio... but pricier.

On the vintage side, watch out for: Celestion SL Series. ESS with Heil Air Motion Transformer. Yamah NS-1000, NS-690... Infinity RS, Kappa. JBL L90 and Ti series. Some of the Technics SB´s are superb. Generally vintage japan monitors are great speakers. Mitsubishi, Onkyo, Sony... They all build some fine speakers.

Here´s a link to some classics: http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/lautsprecher.htm

As for compact speakers. I own some Epos ES11 and love them. ES12, ES14 are even better.
Could anyone recommend some "fun" HiFi speakers that require minimal sweet-spot. I seem to remember some system that you placed in the corners. They projected upwards or something.
Since you're german, I can just reallyreallyreally recommend you have a look at Nubert speakers. They're absolutely amazing!! Especially for the price! check them out www.nubert.de
Could anyone recommend some "fun" HiFi speakers that require minimal sweet-spot. I seem to remember some system that you placed in the corners. They projected upwards or something.

Bose 301's have a backwards projection tweeter thats supposed to make it sound better in small rooms. I owned a pair but didn't end up using them much as I'd nowhere to set them up properly. The amp I had for them wasn't great though, when I sold them I hooked up to my regular amp and they sounded way better.
I use Mission 704's. 3 way reflex for hifi use . They're a bit overkill TBH but they wont distort even when driven hard 25-250 watts each at 8ohms .
For amp I use Technics SU-c800 UM2 preamp & SE-A900 SM" Moss class AA power amp . all I have for EQ is treble and bass so no graphic WSE .
It was the first thing I splashed out on as a paid artist . You can pickem up pretty cheap these days ,I dont really know how modern amps and speakers compare but I expect these are middle of the road now . *stares at the carpet*
I actually prefer to listen to music on monitors rather than hifi. *shrug*
I dont know why but I always enjoy music on an everyday car stereo . Shit music dies quickly in the car , good music always blows away the crap thats on the radio .
I actually prefer to listen to music on monitors rather than hifi. *shrug*


Nothing had sounded better than (good old german engineering:)sorry)K+H O98 or O110 to my ears (yet:)). But please please... stay away from Bose stuff. It´s a fucking joke all over the place. FUCK BOSE!!!!!!!!!

For example, vintage jbl 43... monitors are worth every penny.
Or just get some , of course used, O98 in good condition and you´re done.