Higgs found (ish)

It's ironic that people call it 'God's particle' when Peter Higgs himself -and basically all of the CERN scientists- find that term disgusting.
Fun stuff. Now we get to stick with the Standard Model... whose Lagrangian (give or take a sign error, from what I'm told) looks like



Yay. I could literally hang myself from an idealized pivot with a slight initial displacement from equilibrium in excitement.

One more thing, though...

Does this mean I can divide by zer-


No. You will never get to divide by zero. Bad dog. No means no, and anyone who doesn't learn that is getting bopped on the head periodically with a newspaper undergoing simple harmonic oscillation.

There is already an account mocking people mocking atheists over misunderstanding the reason for calling it the 'God particle'? If people had spent this much effort doing science as making fun of people who hide from science until they find it convenient to misinterpret it towards their own twisted worldviews, we'd have found this thing nearly two decades ago and I could have spent my childhood years applying it to create a hilarious cartoon weapon. Get some perspective, people!

will that make my shoes smell better!? NO IT WON'T!!!

srsly what the fuck, dam schientists, they fly to moooon, they clone sheeeep and they discover some weird ass particles
but they can't make anything that prevents my shoes turning into a chemical weapon just after wearing them a few times on hot summer days, MEEEHHHHHH!!!

will that make my shoes smell better!? NO IT WON'T!!!

srsly what the fuck, dam schientists, they fly to moooon, they clone sheeeep and they discover some weird ass particles
but they can't make anything that prevents my shoes turning into a chemical weapon just after wearing them a few times on hot summer days, MEEEHHHHHH!!!
