The Toast Sandwich - A stroke of culinary genius

At least our chocolate tastes like chocolate ;)

I've been to your country. Pouring gravy on everything is not how you "flavour" food. :lol:

Plus, WTF pizza is supposed to be greasy and have some spice to it. I've never had anything more bland than English American Pizza... hut.

Trust me, one trip to America and you will realize really quick why we are such fat asshole fucks. :lol::headbang:
I completely agree on the gravy front, I fucking hate it. The worst part is that people assume you like it so they take the liberty of putting on your plate for you.
When I was like 13, at school they used to pour that shit on everything and you HAD to finish it.

But Pizza Hut? your judging our food based on Pizza Hut?

I know, EVERY single non-American that I've spoken to has been amazed at how fucking large your portions are, and for having more made up Italian dishes than the Italians... :lol:
Well shit if you are comparing it to Italy then yah. :lol:

In all seriousness though our food is pretty shitty... but for the most part it's not a taste thing. We certainly have an abundance of food that will have you shitting your ass. :puke:

Besides all jokes I love american cookies, it's almost an addiction!
I gotta pay a visit to my friend in NY and taste some good meals ;)