High gain head shoot-out!

Hmm. This one is tough.

I'm going to say :

1) Savage
2) 6534
3) JVM

1 is a bit on the scooped side, like most ENGL's I've played tend to be. Savage less so but, the Savage also seems to have this upper midrange grind to it.
2 sounds like a Peavey bark.
3 has the mid structure of a Marshall.

Could be 100% off.

Probably got it wrong, I've only played the JVM briefly and have no experience with the others. My preference is definitely for 2/3 though.
Interesting results! Ill let a few more people guess before revealing the results but a couple of you are right.

Fwiw; to make the test really fair there's no eq on any of these, hence their rawness. They all fit the mix but some will probably fit better than others post processing.
It's interesting that people were saying the first one is Engl. I guess because we have this predisposed notion that Engl's are fizzy and scooped, and generally not seen as something that records well.

Well I can tell you that;

1. Marshall
2. Peavey
3. Engl

They all have their merits, and they all have qualities that would make them the best choice for certain mixes. I love the Marshall's aggression and natural scoop. The mids are around 12 o'clock on that motherfucker too and it STILL sounds really thrashy and percussive. I'd probably use it for standard tuned stuff, or anything down to about D, but anything lower it would start to become a little... I dunno actually, saying that, this clip is in C and I still really dig it.

The Peavey was obvious, I'm not surprised you nearly all got that right, you just can't dial out that 5150-ness no matter what you do. I love this amp to death, it's got such presence in a mix and the mids are in EXACTLY the right place, even if you're tuned way the fuck down.

The Engl is often my favourite really. I have an obsession with note definition and bite, and it's got that in spades. It's a little bloaty in the low mids but that disappears the moment you start adding EQ's and compression etc.
it's my least favorite genre of metal

Are you high? :lol:

Yeah it's a little underwhelming under the mic, but I put that down to my inexperience with it. It's only been here two days so my experimentation is limited, haven't quite found those optimal settings for the cab/room.

In the room however, standing in front of it rocking out with a guitar strapped on, is INCREDIBLY satisfying :kickass: It's seriously responsive, and very very tight.
You know what's really annoying?

I originally thought it was JVM/PV/ENGL, because I remember playing a JVM and thinking it was pretty scooped on the red channels. But I was like, nahhhhh.

Either way, good tones are good.
That's really interesting, I'd never guess a JVM to sound like that based on my experiences with it but go figure. I'd say the same about the Savage, too. Maybe I need to revisit (or not revisit, as it were) both of these amps. :lol:
The JVM varies a fair bit depending on which mode you track it on. There are essentially 4 entirely usable high-gain modes, OD1/2 Orange/Red. The Orange modes tend to leave the mids intact, as well as the transient punch. The OD modes alter the center frequency of the mid knob, it goes from a traditional Marshall sound on OD1 to a more modern scoopy deal on OD2.

That being said, next to the 6505 and 6505+ the JVM is the most used amp in the studio for me. I think it's amazing.
Yeah, I was gonna say I couldn't tell what 1 and 3 were, but I was sure 2 was the 6534. Killer-sounding amps those Peaveys.