Hi gains amps at low gain settings test video


so far ,so good,so what..
Oct 29, 2008
OK we all have ideas about how these higainers sound at gainy settings . But what about their performance at low gain. This video is about wolves acting like lambs . Same settings. No process.Sorry but it's been a long time and I dont remember the setings. But it gives the idea. Interesting results. A lonestar used as a lowgain referance.

Amps used : Mesa boogie dual rectifier 2010 -Mesa boogie Triple rectifier rev g -Mesa boogie lonestar 6l6-Mesa boogie stereo power 2:100-Engl savage 120-Engl powerball I-Ada mp1-Engl Invader 100-Engl 570 se-Engl 530-Soldano hot rod 50-Krank rev jr-Bogner uberschall rev green-Peavey 6505-Ibanez tbx 150h-MArshall el 34 100/100 power-MArshall jvm 210 h-Lexicon mpxg2-Tse x30-Kemper profiling

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