High on Fire-Blessed Black Wings


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
Good God almighty, these guys are insane! To me, this is the definition of Metal. Crushing, destructive and marauding. IMO, if this was an instrumental disc it would be even better. Matt Pike's voice just doesn't hit me. Believe it or not, and I"m certain there are some who flat-out don't care, I do respect others musical opinions on this forum. That said, give me your thoughts and opinions on this disc and the band. They have a new one coming out soon, or it might be out now, not sure. Thanx.
I visited their myspace page and gave a few songs a listen. They don't seem to have a unique sound or anything...just generic chugging metal riffs. Nothing special IMO.
Yeh that albums a grower...Matts vocals basically suck but the musics badass. Apparently they have a new album out soon and Matts vocals have improved...apparently.
I don't know, the cd I ordered came with a 5 song dvd of a live performance. And these guys play with reckless abandon. Like a fuck you, take no prisoners attitude. Absolutely right Fubar, it's a grower. "Sons of Thunder" is rib-splitting Metal. I wish all the songs were instrumental. But hey, that's just me.
I liked the single on this one (Devilolution?), but is that the best on the album?

I hate buying an album and only liking one song.